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The scheme of training was basically the same as in 1961. Second
                year personnel, including specialists, were detached for training organ
                ised by Battalion. This training culminated in a two-day circuit exercise
                in which approximately twenty of our Infantry participated. C.U.O.
                J. ELMS, with SERGEANT STAMP as 2i/c, commanded the group, and
                many valuable lessons were learned.
            (ii)   Band-Medical
                The Band-Medical personnel (2nd years), under the capable leadership
                of SERGEANT HAIDLE, worked to a planned syllabus and during the
                circuit provided members who were attached to groups where they were
                equipped and ready to perform the normal duties of first aid.
            (iii)   Intelligence
                It was pleasing to see the Intelligence Section functioning. Intelligence
                training is most interesting and should attract more cadets than it does.
                    During Camp the work of the Int. Section in regard to the Unit
                exercise is quite invaluable and is a sound test of the year's work.
                    As in previous years, a fine sand model was constructed by
                SERGEANT LAWLER and members of the Int. and proved very useful
                in briefing for the exercise.
            (iv)   Signals
                Signal personnel were also detached for specialist training and, under
                the guidance of SERGEANT SCHWEITZER, performed Camp Signal
                duties and trained on the Circuit Exercise efficiently and enthusiastically.

            (v)   First Year Training
                First year training was wholly a Unit responsibility and CAPTAIN G.
                STUBBS, assisted by Under-Officers McTAGGART and McDONALD
                and their capable N.C.O.'s, maintained interest at a high level
                    Formal morning Parades were strictly adhered to, and I consider
                these a necessary factor in the maintenance of Camp discipline. I feel
                that a little too much basic training in drill was required by the
                syllabus, which at times was not conducive to keenness in training.
                     Nevertheless first year personnel took part in interesting field
                 training with development from individual skill in fieldcraft to team
                 work within the Group/Section. Section exercises were then conducted,
                 providing excellent training in tactics and leadership for the Section
                 Leaders. I observed enjoyment, keenness and progress.

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