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FORM                             NOTES

        FORM 3A1
                  FORM TEACHER : Mr. Gallwey.
                  FORM CAPTAINS : Robert Critchley, Denise Castle.
                            A teacher's nightmare is the day,
                      When they find to their dismay,
                          That they are doomed to be the one,
                      To have to tolerate 3A I.
            The above verse may give you a dim view of our form, but we really are
        not such a bad lot after all. We have not yet succeeded in driving any teachers
        to complete distraction, and we, on rare occasions, yield to the pounding efforts
        to teach us.
            We are the first class in the history of the school (and by our results, the
        last) to be taught German.
            In both the academic and sporting field we are recognised. In the last
        exam. Ray Kerr topped the class, and was closely followed by Arvis Biela, and
        Margaret Hogan.
            In the swimming we have Lance Hielig, under 14 champ.; John Brown and
        Denise Castle, placegetters. Kerry Easton, Robert Critchley, Ken. Scovell and
        Julie Lamond represented their houses also.
            In Rugby League, Ross Flannagan was in a Premier team; Kerry Easton,
        John Hodgins, Geoff Stahlhut, Inter-school teams; and Peter Jones, Lance Heilig,
        Robert Critchley, Warren Kaerger, Peter Haden, Phillip Westlake, Ian Roberts,
        Tom Overland, Greg Nason, Neville Hargreaves, Stanley Jarosinski, Ken. Scovell,
        Russell Peters all represented their houses also. Players of other sports are :
        Soccer, Marcus Bromet; Tennis, Colin Ramsden; Graeme Kimlin, Chris Weston,
        Neville Hargreaves, Jeff Preble, Neil Pearson; Hockey, Pauline Garner, Julie
        Lamond, Margaret Hogan; Basketball, Jan Griffith, Denise Castle.
            In the School Sports, we had : Colin Ramsden, 1st, High Jump Under 15;
        Ian Roberts, 3rd Broad Jump Championships; Ken. Scovell was third in running
        and relay.
            We thank teachers for their perseverance and patience, and wish success to
        the fourth and sixth formers who are confronted with approaching exams.

        FORM 3A2D
                     FORM TEACHER : Miss O'Donnell.
                     FORM CAPTAINS : Paul Hewitt, Jan Ferris.
                        As members of Form 3A 2,
                        We'd like to say, "How do you do",
                        And to assure you we're the best
                             (which isn't intended as a jest).
                        Our teachers though might not agree,
                        And always pray for five past three.
            Our class, 3A 2, is not a large class, with only 25 members in all. We are
        joined during Chemistry, Physics, Maths A, English and Geography by seven
        Home Science girls.
            When our examination papers were returned several teachers were not
        exactly happy with a few of our results. However, Janet May did very well and
        topped the sub-junior academic forms with 88.2%. Suzanne Barlow took second
        position and Jan Ferris third. In the home science division, the first three
        positions were filled by Judith Elson, Cecily Routledge and Kathy Brown.

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