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                      FORM TEACHER : Miss Corcoran.
                      FORM CAPTAIN : Suzanne Howard.
                      FORM VICE-CAPTAIN : Yvonne Butt.
                        Our class is really famous;
                           You can't beat 3C 4,
                          Especially when the last bell has rung,
                              And we all run for the door.
                   MOTTO : "Don't do today what you can leave until tomorrow."
            We are well represented in sport, if not in anything else.
        Running: Kerry Dare lour best runner), Heather Trass, Ann Acworth,
                       Jocelyn Allison.
        Swimming : Ann Acworth (who swam in inter-school championships),
                       Beverley Heron and Yvonne Butt.
        Tennis : Nancy Roulston, Jocelyn Allison, Margaret Lockee, Glenda Cooper.
        Basketball : Lorraine Lovett (who played in the premiership).
        Ball Games : Vivian Gee, Lynn Harmon, Betty Hoffman, Barbara Bean,
                       Catherine Chadwick, Jacinta Alsemgeest, Barbara Mackay.
            The highest mark in second term exam, was gained by Susan Miller. The
        honour of being the class's best talker goes to Patsy King, followed by 35 others.
            3C 4 takes this opportunity of wishing all examination classes every success
        in the public examinations.

        FORM 3C5
                       FORM TEACHER:        Miss Power.
                       FORM CAPTAIN :       Judy Newfong.
                       FORM VICE-CAPTAIN    Laurel Watts.
        SPORT :
            In tennis, Suzanne Young represented us in the school team. She also
        showed her talent by topping the form in the second term exam. Lynette O'Malley
        and Gail Crollick were players in a school basketball team.
            In the Wynnum v. Bremer matches, Lynette O'Malley played softball, and
        in vigoro, Judy Newfong (captain), Sylvia Stiles, Margaret Crowe (scored most
        runs), Christine Iselin and Pam Lansdewn were team members.
            G.P.S. Sports representatives were:—
            Gail Thompson, Margaret Campbell, Sylvia Stiles, Margaret Crowe.
            Girls interested in other sports, such as golf and house sports, are:—
            Sheryl Hickman, Carol Ferguson, Helen Thomas, Marion Randall, Tina Marsh,
        Janice Sheppard, Christine Grazes, Barbara Wasiel, Fay Cowell, Linda Harris,
        Desley Henderson, Glenda Gilbert, Sally Grice, Jennifer Backwell, Erica Bors,
        Helen Cook, Sylvia Predl, Laurel Watts, Jeanette Lidster, Barbara McCurley.
            Best wishes and good luck to all students for forthcoming examinations.
                         Life is an echo, all comes back,
                         The good, the false, and the true,
                         So give the world the best you have,
                         And the best will come back to you.

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