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In our class we have several new arrivals — John Searl from New South
        Wales, Frank Sowdon from England, and Suzanne Horne from Moreton Bay
            In our midst we also have Hungarian girl, Emese Meretz, who, we are happy
        to say, is now managing the English language very well.
            We were very well represented in the annual cross country race by
        Glenn Kelk and John Searl, who came fourth and fifth respectively.
            In the recent G.P S. sports, Diane Fletcher represented our form in the relay
        races. Diane is also in the B school basketball team.
            Sport is well liked by most of us. Our tennis players are Elizabeth Thomas,
        David Ross and Dennis Jessop, while Sandra Baxter and Mary Rice prefer hockey.
        Stuart Palmer plays cricket, and Glenn Kelk and Paul Grant are in football teams.
            Lastly, we would like to thank all our teachers for their patience in
        endeavouring to help us pass the forthcoming examinations.
        FORM 3A3
                 FORM TEACHER : Miss Reid.
                 FORM CAPTAINS : Jo-anne Barton, Doug. McLachlan.
        1.  Forty-first in the cross-country race, but fleetest of 3A 4. (Ken. Maher.)
        2.  Responsible for gory stories in essay periods, alias Romeo. (Kerry Elliott.)
        3.  Comes from Mascot, Sydney, but has no wings. (Warren Sharp.)
        4.  Has the longest name. (Costas Constantinides.)
        5.  Two noisy inseparables, who charm the ladies on the dance floor.
            (Wayne Mason and Ken. Barr.)
        6.  Cadet, but not in the Army. (John Melbourne.)
        7.  No longer needs a telescope to view the blackboard. (Ian Leabeater.)
        8.  Has, at last, mastered the French pronunciation of "elle". (Chris. Wood.)
        9.  The long and the short of 3A 3. (Graeme Hembrook, Mike Coogan.)
        10.  Carries out private atomic tests with home chemistry set. (Robin Hopkins.)
        1 1. The not so long and not so short of 3A 3. (Leslie Bews, Geoff. Renshaw.)
        12.  This name should ring a bell. (Bill Bellion.)
        13.  Form captains and happy friends. (Doug. McLachlan, Peter Henderson.)
        14.  The big, intellectual three. (Annette Whitmee, Susan Kirkgard, Marguerite
        15.  Caterers at Men's Staff Room. (Janice Reed, Jean Catlin.)
        16.  A potential Wimbledon star. (Karen Jordana.)
        17.  A hard kicker, but not at football. (Jennifer Jacques.)
        18.  Also often armed with hockey sticks. (Jo-anne Barton, Brenda Howard.)
        19.  Same name as a famous teacher. (Beverley Reid.)
        20.   Glamorous girl golfer. (Wendy Rayner.)
        21.   Two ballerinas (compare question 5.) (Susan Richards, Marion Lee.)
        22.   Possibly could be duo pianists. (Beth Brosnan, Ann Fulton.)
        23.   Practices swimming on Wynnum surfing beach. (Janice Rankin.)
        24.   Voracious book worm. (Marjorie McLarin.)
            We would like to thank all our teachers for helping us throughout the first
        two terms, and would like to wish the Senior and Junior candidates the best of
        luck in the coming examinations.
                This Page generously donated by PANDA POTATO FLAKES,
               Gould Road, Herston.
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