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athletic star is Robert Sperling, who jumped 5 feet 3 inches in the high jump
        championships. Our cricketers are Michael Walsh and Barry Purvey. Our form
        did quite well in the cross country race, with Hardy Dey coming home sixth,
        Robert Sperling seventh, Graham Christensen fifteenth, and Michael Walsh
             We must not forget to mention our very able cadet, Bruce Murray. We
         wish to thank the many teachers for trying so hard to put a little knowledge into
         our vacuum-filled heads. We wish the Juniors and Seniors good luck in their
         forthcoming examinations.

        FORM 3B3
                       FORM TEACHER :       Mr. Horwood.
                       FORM CAPTAIN :       Neil Hume.
                       FORM VICE-CAPTAIN :
                       Phillip Pascoe.
            The bright ones in 3B 3 are Phillip Pascoe, Fred Beven, and Athol Love,
        who is top of our form.
            In the sporting field, we are represented in nearly all the activities. Those
        in the inter-school football teams are Jim Molyneux, Alan Durston, Jim Bitosso,
        Neil Hume, and David Johnson, who played with the 9 stone team that won
        the Premiership of Brisbane. !n the school soccer teams we are represented by
        Robert Shultz and John Ellis. We are also represented by Lyle Randall in the
        inter-school tennis team and Rebin Perry in the inter-school cricket team.
        Ron. Beaumont shares the under 14 championship for the School Athletics
            We have only two cadets in the form — Gary Wilkins and Alan Williams.
        We wish everybody the best in the forthcoming examinations.

        FORM 3C1
                         FORM TEACHER : Miss Petroff.
                         FORM CAPTAIN : Nancye Shepherd.
                             VICE CAPTAIN : Maria Grzegolec.
                      There was a commotion in Form 3C 1
                      When Pirouette turned 21.
                      Miss Power has learned to ride a horse
                      (And, we suspect, was taught by force).
                      Mrs. Taege is our teacher of Shorthand
                      (Which only she can understand).
                      We try to attend to her golden words,
                      But to 3C 1, work's for the birds.
                      For Typing, Maths A, and History,
                      Misses Coghlan, Corcoran and Cafferky,
                      Then we have the brave Mr. T.,
                      Sole male with ladies twice times three.
                      So there we have a fine array
                      Of the teachers who come to 14A,
                      And of the students of 3C 1,
                      The number of boys amounts to none.
                      Of course, some teachers don't agree
                      On this, our one great prophecy,
                      That each of the members of our class,
                      Next year, our Junior exam, will pass.
              This Page generously donated by C. F. CORONEO & CO. PTY. LTD.,
              53-57 Warry Street, Fortitude Valley.
        Top Students : Tina Wright, Cathryn Allen, Colleen Turner.
        Hockey : Janet Riddell, Sherele Jones.
        Basketball : Leonie Wallis.

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