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At sunset not the dull and dusty hue
                Of weary cities.
                Where morning suns the azure island s line
                With gold, dazzling the sea, a brilliant shine
                Of sparkling, gilded waves.
                No !
                A swamp's a place where watery mud
                And slush squelch through the toes.
                Where snakes, and eels, and lizards lurk.
                And stale, dank odours ooze.
                Where vines and reeds entangle every tree,
                And one dense sound of rumbling, croaking glee
                Comes from the toad-frog's home beneath
                His stagnant, slimy sea —
                The cold, dark, murky swamp.
                                            ROSEMARY SKILTON.


              Beauty is something quite indescribable.
                   Beauty is something precious and rare,
              Beauty is something that God gave to some of us,
                   But beauty is something that we all can share.
              The beauty of Nature is quite irresistible,
                   The beauty of Nature is lasting and fair
              This beauty is loved and admired by most of us,
                   This beauty is something that we all can share.
              The beauty of friendship is something remarkable,
                   The ends that friends go to prove that they care,
              This beauty's misused and abused by a few of us,
                   And friendship is something that we all can share.
              The beauty of God's love is truly incredible,
                   With the beauty of His love, what else can compare,
              Death is the price that He paid for love of us,
                   And His love is something that we all can share.
                                        PATRICIA FLEMING, 4A 2.

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