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                       BREMER? WHAT YEAH MAN!

              "Pardon me, old chap, but is this regular?"
              "Come again, dad?"
              "The party, I mean."
              "Party! Listen dad, you're all lookin' at the local cats 'n' the Bremer cats
         livin' it up after a cool afternoon's sport."

              "Oh! I say, didn't mean to offend."
              "Yeah, like these cats come ev'ry annum to tread the herbs like."
              "Tread the herbs?"
              "Yeah dad, like they kick a mean hunk o' cow-hide and boy! do they swing
         a cruel club."
              "Cruel cub, by jove, you're poetical. But I say, who won?"
              "Well man, we fell even in the golf — 2 each way, like — 'n' the Wynnum
         cats took the football in the A grade 'n' the 9 stone, but the Bremer felines
         made us lick our fur in the over i 5 soccer. Course the local cats took the
         under 15. already."
              "Oh, splendid! Jolly good show by both schools really. Lovely afternoon,
         too, what?"
               Yeah, Joll ----------------------------------  Oh gumdrops! dad, like you're got me
         talkin' that jazz."
                                                            R. ELMES.

                             THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK
                                   Why be difficult ?
                               When, with a little more effort
                                    you can become
                                         Kerry — 4C 1.

              * This Page generously donated by W. M. LAMOND PTY. LTD.,
                  Estate Agent, Bay Terrace, Wynnum.

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