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             "Crusaders" is a modern Christian youth movement which operates in
         Secondary Schools. Meetings are held in a classroom in the lunch hour.
             During the year (combined! meetings were held by three Emmaus Bible
         College students, the Gospel Chords, and the Rev. J. R. Roper. At the beginning
         of the year the boys' group was without a counsellor, and Messrs. Irvine, Farley,
         Beuttel and Tidy were prepared to address the group. We are grateful for their
         encouragement and devotion to teaching the Bible in these meetings.
             Many of the boys have benefited from the now popular activity of discussion
         groups We now have a Crusader counsellor, who has given his time in making
         our meetings successful. Thanks go to Mr. Andresen for this interest in a group
         of boys who are willing to learn about vital things. We are also grateful to our
         counsellor for his recordings of readings from the New English version of St. John.
             Film strips are a new activity in the group and have been included in each
         term's syllabus. Studies this year were centred around the Acts of the Apostles
         and St. Luke. We believe that each boy has gained training morally and spiritually
         in the meetings.
             A number of boys participated in the Crusader sports in September, and
         Arthur Clark won the pennant for the best under 15 boy.
             Our grateful thanks go to Mr. Cafferky and Mr. Proctor for their interest
         in both Crusader groups.

                         GIRLS' CRUSADER NOTES
                      "Fight the good fight of faith"  (I Tim. 6 : 12).
             As soldiers of the Army of the Lord and Ambassadors for Christ we are
         commissioned to fight against the enemy wherever we may be. At school we are
         endeavouring to serve Christ through the Crusader Movement.
             Each Tuesday lunch hour we have a Bible study, to which all girls are
         invited. We are grateful to Mrs. Robertson, who has spoken to us of the Way
         of Life from the Bible, and to Mr. Cafferky for the keen interest he has taken
         in our activities.
             On occasions we have combined with the boys for meetings, when the
         leaders were a group from Emmaus College, Christian Chords and the Rev. Roper.
             Our activities provide opportunity to meet friends from other schools. We
         were unsuccessful in this year's Swimming Carnival and lost the athletics cup at
         the annual meeting. Elizabeth Gibbs, however, took the pennant for the best
         under 16 girl at the Carnival.
             Camps are another feature of Crusaders. Giris attended camps at Noosa and
         the Blue Mountains. Even if you are not a Crusader you can not afford to miss
         the fun of camp-life. Three girls attended a Science Week-end at Southport.
             At the end of another year may each say : "I have fought a good fight,
         I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." 2 Tim. 4 : 7.
             ★ This Page generously donated by G. J. COLES & CO. LTD.,
                 107 Bay Terrace, Wynnum Central.
              A CRUSADER S GUIDE

           Who is the Man who holds the lamp
           That lights the path for me?

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