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            BALL, Les.           Loved  by  all  his parents. A friend of Vincent Dixon.
                                 "Gee, Frank! Will ya stop whingeing!"
            BATCHELOR, Sandra    Short and ? "If you do that again, Kevin, I'll jump
                                 up and hit you on the knee."
            BOLITHO, Bob         Makes hot Bunns cross.
            BOONG, William       MERRY CHRISTMAS !
            BOYD, Gordon         "Sorry, Lee, I didn't mean to, but have you seen a
                                 golf ball hereabouts?"
            BRYNING, Carol       As pretty as a fish and swims like a picture. "Good-
                                 ness! I shouldn't have laughed at that, should I?"
            ELMES, Rod           Plays footy like a hairy Llama. "But Connie luv, it's
                                 your duty!" Friend of Hyacinth Dixon.
            ELMS, Johnny         ."I'd better have my car next week."
            GUNDERSON, Chubbles    "Ooh! I hate you Les Ball!" She goes to Tamborine
                                 because its cheaper than Silhouette.
            HOPKINS, Sandra      The other 24.8 per cent, of 6C.
            KEMP, Charlie        XNYPTHS! "Oops, sorry Andy; here, use my
                                 handkerchief. Get the joke? That's a beauty,
            KICHNO, Handsome     "Look mate, you can never tell with females! Don't
                                 worry, Burnic, I brought a towel." Friend of Bob

            LAWLER, Richard      "Yes, Burnie, it was rawther good, wasn't it? And if
                                 you laugh at mine, I'll laugh at yours."
            LEWIS, Paul          "Yes, Leo, I never thought Rod. would be like that
            MATJAC, Alf.         Tree locusts build their nests in winter.
            MAYNE,               Jackie Is also a member of 6C.
            MCDONALD,            Maxwell His father bought a Holden with only one
            McKENZIE, Alan        "No they don't, Alf".
            McTAGGART, Kevin     "Hup, 2, 3 'by jove, I hope Preston trips himself),
                                 4, Hup. I hate Kichno. I hate Elmes. I hate curly
                                 bits for Senior. I hate rice."
            MORRISON, Pat        "So do I, Bev, and if it stselom me again, I'll
                                 eamscray." Friend of Fritz Dixon.She's going to the
                                 Uni. to study Husbandry.
            MURRAY, Lynne        "Shucks, I like golf!"
            MURRAY, Tony         "Listen, Merv, if you hit me, and I find out about it ...
            HAIDLE, Keith"       "Cheez, Leo, that's real entertainment!"
            NAPIER, Dick         Rides a bike to school.
            NEWNHAM, Keith       "Struth, Teddy, quit kickin' me in the shins!"

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