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Although we are just tn the month of September,
                    We all know and must remember
                    That exams, are just around the bend;
                    And the girls of 4C 4 wish you all success at the end.

        FORM 4S
                          FORM TEACHER : Miss Coghlan.
                          FORM CAPTAIN : Evelyn Evans.
            Form 4S is the most conscientious, hard-working form in the school. Even
        if we do not know a thing, it is not from want of effort.
            Here are the most important facts about 4S presented in plain, easy to learn
            Geographical position : Way, way down in the old woodwork building.
            Chief virtue : Silence between periods.
            Class motto : "Damnant quod non intelligent" (Latin ? ? ?) for "we have
                               no brains".
            Chief occupation : Talkin'.
            Class identities : Girls—Cherie Brown, Brenda Kenwrick, Kay O'Neil,
                               Evelyn Evans.
                          Boys—Eric Jordan, Trevor Grant, Willie Gemmell,
                               Ray Highet, Sigmund Hodder, Daryl Muggleton.
            Tennis players are : Kaye O'Neil, Brenda Kenwrick, Trevor Grant. The
        others play ball games.
            Finally, we would like to thank all our teachers for their untiring efforts
        during the two years, and to wish everybody success in the next exams.

        FORM 5A1
                    FORM TEACHER : Mr. O'Mara.
                    FORM CAPTAINS : Bill Bondfield, Kathy Rice.
            Scientifically classified the form members of 5A 1 would be divided into
        two groups, headed reactants and inert masses, which translates into boys and
        girls respectively. The boys are endowed with instability, ingenuity and strength
        (strength to launch chalk missiles); the girls possess unfathomable gifts of beauty
        and wisdom. Naturally, the stronger sex's propulsion for venturing further into
        the unknown (down the stairs and along the corridor to the office) stems from
        an innate desire to be admired by the fifth form girls, who, deep down, are
        really quite proud of their male counterparts. The weaker sex, although, of course,
        somewhat mere demure than the boys, nevertheless are keen supporters and
        participants of the sporting field. This is evidenced by the list that follows:—
            Basketball : Barbara McQuillan, Kathy Rice, Peggy Harney.
            Golf : Glenys Sands, Brenda Raynor.
            Swimming : Barbara, Glenys.
            Championships : Barbara won both the Athletics and Swimming Champion
        ships (under 16 years).
            All of these and the remaining girls (Heather, two Dianes, Dell, Leja,
        Janice) participate in the ball games.
            Academic : Glenys, Heather and Diane Lewis.
        ★ This Page generously donated by LOTA BAKERY, 56 MacDonald Street,
            Lota (96 2727).
             Athletics :

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