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Maths A and Graphs with Mr. Lee,
                        And fab Miss Rohde for Maths B.
                    Bookkeeping we have with Mrs. Taege,
                        Studying hard from page to page;
                    Geography with stern Miss Bunn,
                        In her class there's plenty of fun;
                    Mr. Beaden for Art, a messy game,
                        But it helps some people on to fame.
                    Now don't you agree, our teachers are best,
                        So we don't come to school just for the rest.
            Of the fast decreasing male population of eight in our class, Peter Hansen
        and Bruce Midson were representatives in School cricket teams and Tony Mayne
        represents us in the Cadet Unit and in Inter-school swimming.
            The following girls represented the school in basketball : Margaret Dunstan,
        June Lowther, Tina Hindson and Melinda Hutchinson. Beverley Weis and
        Zanette Jensen were members of the "C" School basketball team which won
        their Zone Premiership. These two girls also represented the school in C.P.S.
        and State Secondary swimming, in G.P.S. ball games, and Zanette Jensen wrote
        the verse preceding these notes.
            Other representatives in G.P.S. athletics were Margaret Dunstan and June
        Lowther and Dianne Wilkins in the ball games. Estelle Watson had the honour
        of being a member of the Girls' golf team which won the Brisbane Premiership.
            Estelle Watson is also a very talented pianist and Cheryl Dodd a champion
        marching girl.
            The top three results for 2nd Term for the 4 C's were obtained by 4C 3
        girls — June Lowther, Sandra Short and Tina Hindson respectively. This form
        takes this opportunity to wish all Senior and Junior students good luck in the
        forthcoming exams.

        FORM 4C4
                         FORM TEACHER : Mrs. Taege.
                         FORM CAPTAIN : Dianne Hunter.
                    By first degree, I think we are the best —
                    I mean 4C 4, and you should know the rest.
                    Our teachers sometimes give us threatening looks,
                    But that's just because we forget our books;
                    And when our marks go down
                    We just sit and frown.
            Top students : Susan Carmichael, Cheryl Comrie, Leonie Walsh.
            Our class is well represented in sport:—
            Tennis : Mary Atkins (A team), Maja Benzie, Pam Ashworth, Bonnie Donald.
            Basketball : Margaret Boone, Judith Butt, Faye Rabjohns, Dianne Hunter,
                      Margaret Williamson, Jan Harris, Linda Toomey, Carole Steffens,
                      Jannet Rayment, Gwen Shaw, Lesley Sweet, Margaret Howard,
                      Claire Hurley, Sonia Christie, Marie Beckmann (D team).
            Vigoro : Margaret Hendry, Glenys Carmichael.
            Hockey : Christine Bool, Denise White, Margaret Kerridge, Penny Easton
                      (B team).
            Athletics : Elaine McIntosh.
            Congratulations to Wendy Abbott, who won the under 15 years division at
        the Swimming Carnival which was held during the early part of the year.

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