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P. 191

             Six years ago, on February I 1th, 1957, to be exact, approximately 450 girls
         and boys, gathered from all the primary schools in the Wynnum-Manly district
         and environs, stood on the parade ground of the Wynnum High and Intermediate
         School for the first time.
             The feelings of those girls and boys were very mixed — awe, pride, excite
         ment and trepidation — at this big step from the sixth grade of a primary school
         to secondary school level; because although they were not yet actually part of the
         High School proper, they were "at the High School", with all its differences — a
         much larger and more comolicated world than the one that they had just left.
             On that day, November, 1962 seemed a lifetime away. But now, to the
         forty odd young men and women who remain of that 450, and who comprise the
         Sixth Form of our High School, those six years seem to have passed in a flash;
         a flash, nevertheless, that has been crammed with memories of many changes and
         events : good-byes to friends of many years, as each scholastic milestone was
         reached — Scholarship, Junior, and now Senior — with the farewells to ones
         who passed those milestones ahead of us; changes in teaching staff and uniforms;
         improvements to our school; sporting events of all kinds with their varying for
         tunes; meetings with other schools; Speech Nights; Socials; Cadets and Passing
         Out Parades; Fetes and Anzac Days.
             Now, we of the Sixth Form, who are soon to take our places in a still wider
         world, would like to express our gratitude to all the teachers who have been
         responsible for our education — academic, physical and religious — during those
         six years, both the present staff, and others who are now scattered throughout
             We would also like to say "Hello" to all the friends of our schooldays who
         left Wynnum High, along the way, before us, who may read this magazine.
             We hope that Wynnum High will always be able to be proud to say that
         we were students of this school. To the students who follow after, we say —
         "Semper Fidelis".
             "Adieu" to Wynnum High School from the Sixth Form of 1962.
                                             ALAYNE SMITH, Form 6.

                                                      P.T. (whatever it stands for)

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