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P. 162

Great Tear-Out & Throw Away....


                     Editors :
                        • E. NAYSTINGS
                        • TEE KNEE BLING

          This magazine has secured exclusive printing rights on the diary of
    Lihas Tingsovich, the English-speaking Slobbovian intellectual, who recently
    defected from his country to the West. Here we have printed a typical
    extract to bring you just a glimpse of its sensational . . . implications.

          A muted murmur is heard throughout the ancient building, standing starkly
           in the desolate, windswept wastes. The man who raises his voice here is
    surely demented. CLANG . . . CLANG. The strident clangour is harsh
    on the ears of the apathetic listeners. Wearily, they shuffle into their positions,
     dejection written on every face. The area is filled with a milling,
    shoving mass, then is still.
          Pity those who are late. The vicious P.R.E’s. (Secret Police), the
    worst elements of their own kind, appointed by the fanatical ruling clique.
    take their toll. One soul is apprehended, .032 seconds from safety, doomed
    to suspension from the highest skyhook. Such are the sadistic disciplinary
    measures of the establishment.
          A fearful tremor runs through the assembled multitudes, as the
    commandant, a maniacal leer distorting his countenance, approaches. Lurking-
    in the background is his cadaverous 2i/c. After the preliminary propaganda,
    in which the gathering is informed that a certain favoured member of the
    P.R.E’s. has been included in no less than two (2) eye gouging and barbed
    wire hurdling teams, the amplifying device is handed over.

          Hero of the masses, Perci Valovich, is seen to shudder in apprehension.
    What will he the subject of today’s harangue ? Will it be males with
    bootlaces tied in reef knots instead of grannies, or females wearing the
    illegal green and purpled stripes in eitherloff attire? It is heard in sullen
    silence. Suddenly a rash, mocking voice issues from the throng. Four
    P.R.E’s. rush in, and drag away a kicking struggling body.
          Then mercifully it is finished. Orders are given the crowd turns and
    wanders lifelessly into the forbidding building, more like zombies than
    human beings. Sneering faces filled with hate herd them into dingy rooms
    for another day of wracking, torturing work in this, the most horrible of all
    forced labour camps, at WINNUMSKI HI-SKULE, on the outskirts of
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