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passages from Kant or T. S. Eliot. (Rock version may be obtained for
     small extra charge.)

           The sheared chevaux are directed into a portable threshing machine which sifts out the
     dandruff and bags the now sterilized locks. The bags can be then forwarded to the respective Third
     Form Fan Clubs
           Hoping the sample will meet with your hearty approval,
      .                                  I remain.   Narcissus

          After long years of intensive research and study, famed historian
     Retrov Gliennbig has made available to us an authoritative account of the
     powerful Winimicus Empire. Obviously he has gone to great pains to ensure
     authenticity in this diatrive on life of the age. His work provides a new
     slant on this important historical period. (It has been checked for accuracy
     by Ed.)  This huge, sprawling civilisation was ruled by a mighty emperor.
     PERRIBUS. who lorded over the populace with a fist of iron. The centre
     was bounded by two extensive plains, precipitous cliffs, and a swampy
     marsh. Many were the achievements of this noble race. The following will
     aid the ignorant in understanding the way of life in such a colossal
     empire . . .
          At first break of dawn, a great multitude gathered in the forum to
     hear the worldly wisdom of the gregarious Emperor, and satisfy the whims
     common to all those who hold supreme power. Present also are the nomad
     tribes from the outskirts, as well as those from closer afield. At the head
     were their elders, presiding by virtue of the great knowledge they had
     absorbed. Often, prior to the words of the Great One, there were in the
     public eye numerous curtain raiser guest speakers. As their burble was
     usually of “A” class, they were disregarded contemptuously by the assembly,
     who were eager to view the main feature.
           So great an orator and personality was this divinity, that every
     evening, in time which was their own great crowds of admirers gathered
     with slips of papyrus clasped in their hot little hands. Frantically did
     they seek a few words written in the script of this aged sage.
           Perhaps the greatest event in a day of great events, was the mighty
     arena games held every mid-afternoon beneath a spreading fig tree. Here
     Seething, restless crowds did gather to view with warped joy the novel
     proceedings. High on the list was the breathing chariot race, in which
     vehicles exhibiting various signs of decay participated. The entrant’s main
     object is not only speed, but also the demolition of as many obstacles and
     bodies on the route as is humanly possible. One mighty warrior, of name
     Harry Hur, was the advocate of a late model yellow, Grecian go-kart. His
     superior cornering enabled him to hold the speed record unchallenged for
     aeons. Recently called from retirement by public acclaim, was another
     warrior. His vehicle was also a yellow, but “Roamin”, slo-kart. He held
     easily the record for most obstacles overwhelmed.
           The central Forum was surely a mighty edifice. Criticism might only
     be levelled at one small room. Known as the BLUE Room because of the
     colour of the tobacco smoke and language which emanated therefrom and
      mentors of the civilisation. There was absolutely no truth in a prevalent
      rumour that a cloven hoofed creature with protruberances from its skull
      and strangely shaped tail frequented this room. Yet for a normal citizen to
     of the mood characteristic of its denizens, the “Mail-Teechas” who were the
     enter this chamber is gross folly. It was strongly defended in case of sudden
     uprising being known as password “Retreat”. Those of heroic disposition.
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