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Alphonsus: And likewise to you, punikin’ ’end!
         (Citronella goes to cross the road. Suddenly there is a scream, a
         crash, another scream, another crash.)
    Alphonsus (to a cop runnin’ to the scene) : Wot ’appened?
    Copper; This ’ere sheila gets run down, see, by a truck, hut she gets up,
        see, but only gets run down again, see. Now she’s dead, see.
    Alphonsus: Oh no! (Draws a knife and stabs himself). I die too! 1 can’t
         live without Nellie! Now 1 die, die, die, die! (He dies.)
    Bopper: Strew! h! A nut! Wot the ’ells the world cornin’ ta! Cripes, I
         dunno ! (Exit, carrying bodies.)
                        (End of Scene III., Act II., and Play.)
                                                   —D. Beere (V.)

    ODE TO P.T. - -
                     In the period here described;
                     (We call it physical torture)
                     If you’re wise you’ll run and hide,
                     You’d know it if they caught ya.
                     At first he makes it very hot,
                     (To toughen you up, he professes,)
                     With running madly on the spot,
                     And murderous body presses.
                     We did the Harvard Step Test,
                     (It very nearly killed us)
                     And though we did our very best.
                     With grief and pain it filled us.
                     They then test your endurance.
                     You throw yourself right in it,
                     (The extent of my endurance,
                     Was half pushup a minute!)
                     Then came circuit training,
                     Where one can show one’s gifts
                     For squat jumps, loud complaining,
                     And abominable lifts.
                     Although we say we hate it,
                     It’s really not too bad,
                     But the chap who did create it.
                     Was a most misguided lad.
                     So if you see us looking pale,
                     Don’t give us looks disdaining
                     We’ve come, you’ll find, never fail,
                     From Blanky Phys-Ed Training.
                                                     — I R. Raven.

                     The sun was setting in the west.
                     Night was near. The sky was blest
                     With colours of such lovely hue,
                     Pink, red, orange, blue.
                     I watched, ’twas such a glorious sight,
                     As, slowly it vanished into the night.
                                         — Diane Crellin, Form 3AID.

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