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      MARRIAGE - -
      ACT I. Scene I. — THE DANCE.
               Enter Alphonsus Dogsbody and Citronella Fosdick.
      Citronella: ’Urry up, Phonsie, or we’ll be late for the ’op.
      Alphonsus: I’m coinin’! I know a shortcut! It’s through an allotment what
           they’re buildin’ a blocka flats on.
      Citronella: Is this it? It’s sorta dark.
      Alphonsus: Sure! Come on.
               (Crash! Bang! Clatter! Bang! Clatter! Crash!)
      Citronella: (Hysterically) Phonsie! What’s ’appened? What are yer doing
           in that cement mixer thing?
      Alpihonsus: Can I ’elp it if they stick a dirty old cement mixer in the way?
           Well, let’s get on to the dance.
                             (Later at the dance.)
      Citronella: Phonsie, yer standing on me foot!
      Alpihonsus: What? I can’t feel nuthin’!
      Citronella: Yer on me foot! Strike a light! Yer ’oofs covered in cement!
      Alphonsus: Strewth! It musta been quick dryin’ cement!
                               (End Scene I.)
      ACT II. Scene I. — ON HONEYMOON.
           Enter the two “Just Marrieds”. They have just got up after a night’s
           sleep. Alphonsus is making a CUP of tea.
      Alphonsus: Where’s the tea, Nellie?
      Citronella: In the jar marked biscuits.
      Alphonsus: What’s it doin’ there?
      Citronella: Well, tea makes me think of afternoon tea, which makes me
           think of food, which makes me think of biscuits! So I put the tea in
           the biscuit jar. Simple, ain’t it?
      Alplionsus: Clear as mud! Here’s ya tea! Where’s me razor?
      Citronella: In the bathroom behind the mirror!
                          (A short while later) . . .
      Alphonsus: Nellie, me ziff’s worse than it was before!
      Citronella: Ya ain’t got no razor blade in yer razor!
      Alphonsus: So that’s what them things is for!
                     (Two weeks later, still on honeymoon.)
      Alphonsus: Where’s me chow?
      Citronella: Here it is. fish face!
      Alphonsus: What? Beans again? We’ve ’ad beans for the past week for
           every damn meal.
      Citronella: Can I 'elp it if me old man’s a bean manufacturer?
                               (End Scene I.)
      Scene II. — THE DIVORCE.
                    Enter Judge, unloving lovers, and various.
      Judge: Silence in the court! Okay! You, (pointing to Citronella), what’s
           your case?
      Citronella: I wanna divorce this slob ’cos he’s been ’iring Jayne Mansfield
           ta do the ’Ousework, and (sniff) he sits at ’ome an’ watches ’er all
    Bk day (sniff) !
      Judge: Divorce granted! (To Alphonsus) Wot’s Jayne Mansfield’s phone
           number, mate?
                               (End Scene II.)
       Scene III. — THE PARTING.
    Enter Alphonsus and Citronella outside the Court.
      Citronella: I never wanna see yer ’orrible dial again!
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