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               The bunsen burner on the bench
               Was sending forth an awful stench.
               That’s what they said, they were right I ’spose
               (The test tube holder was on my nose)
               The fumes sprang forth from acid and copper
               (And leaked out through the two-holed stopper),
               Laughing gas was in the air,
               In our lungs and everywhere.
               The kids were looking pretty green,
               (I ask ya mate, who wouldna been?)
               But at first we cracked a smile
               Then a giggle, for a while.
               But soon we yelled with rautious glee
               And tears of mirth became a sea.
               Just then a teacher (who heard the roar)
               Came a knocking at the door.
               “What ails ye all. children dear?
               In sooth you’re acting kind of queer.”
               But a rolling stone gathers no moss.
               That’s why lie rolled us down to the—Principal.
               Now we are youths of tender years
               Sweet innocents that no one fears.
               We weren’t to know that it’s a crime
               To enter labs, at dinner time.
                                                  “Cell 105 Death Row”

         In various camps throughout Europe, in the Middle East, Hong Kong
  and Algeria, dwell nearly two and a quarter million people, refugees from
  war and political oppression.
         Existing on the edge of starvation, in squalid camps where clothing
  is scarce and disease rife, these people, without help, are doomed to a life
  of enforced idleness, illiteracy and despair. Having been born amid these
  conditions, many of the children know no other existence.
         It is a tragedy that the need for a World Refugee Year lias ever
  arisen, but since that need is present, all assistance possible must be given
  to help the refugees to gain a new, free way of life.
         In accordance with this aim, on Saturday, 18th June thirty-nine
  Wynnuni High School students became voluntary collectors for the nation
  wide Refugee Fund Appeal.
         Certain streets in the Wynnum Central Zone were allotted to each
  collector, who conducted a door to door campaign between eight in the
  morning and five in the afternoon. All donations received, however small,
  were greatly appreciated.
         Owing to our efforts £283 were raised, which sum, although not
  kreat, will do a little towards alleviating distress among the unfortunate
  I We were indeed proud to have been associated with such a worthy
                                                 — Alayne Smith (4A1).

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