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           With students from Tri Ratna Student School                           Photos taken with organizing commitees of
                                                                                 Plum Village Retreat in Indonesia

           programs for teenagers. That      We all want to be the best parents   80 teachers, not including other
           particular retreat was memorable   we can be for our children, and to   staff. Apart from the academic
           because it made me realize the    achieve this goal, we need practice.   curriculum, what makes our school
           power and effectiveness of mindful   For me, Plum Village retreats have   unique is the Buddhist values which
           training. My husband also shared   been a tremendous help.  I have lost   are taught and put into practice on a
           with his group that ever since I   count on how many I have attended,   daily basis.
           started attending Plum Village    possibly 12-13 times, not only
           retreats, I had complained less and   Europe and Hong Kong, but also in   For example, when we teach our
           became calmer.                    the US. If you can’t go physically,   students the Four Noble Truths, we
                                             then attending online retreats is   use them as lessons on “problem
           Among the many valuable lessons I   another option which you can do   solving and decision makings”.
           learned during my retreats was how   from home. Check their website   Suffering is a problem. In life,
           to handle my emotions; how not, for programs   problems exist, and we need to find
           to act at the moment anger arises   offered globally.               the cause of our problems. Once we
           when someone “triggers” our ego.                                    have determined the cause, we need
           Our immediate response to anger   You are an active Buddhist leader   to know the solution, before finally,
           often ends in regret. At the height   in the local community. Can you   solving the problem.
           of our anger, we need to pause for   share with us your activities
           a moment, and take a deep breath   and the impact they had on the   To teach loving kindness and
           before responding. Even though the   community?                     compassion, we ask our children
           anger may still be there, we are in a                               to practice eating vegetarian food
           much calmer state and less likely to   I am a believer that education can   at school. We transformed our
           react foolishly.                  change our fate. Through education,   school canteen, which is equipped
                                             the poor among us can have a better   with a clean, stainless steel,
           I have benefitted a lot from      life.                             industrialized-open-kitchen, into a
           mindfulness training. It has made                                   meatless restaurant. We provide free
           me a better mother. Before, my    I am a committee member of the Tri   breakfast and lunch to our teachers
           son was a victim of my emotions.   Ratna Buddhist School Foundation.   and staff. We don’t sell bottled water
           When I became impatient with him,   It’s a non-profit organization   to protect the environment. The
           I would yell, and in process, I was   staffed by volunteers. We run a   school has water dispensers where
           setting a terrible example for him   Buddhist school - classes range   students have access to free drinking
           to follow. Children tend to imitate   from kindergarten to high school -   water where they only need to bring
           what we adults do to them.        with about 700 students. We have   their own water bottles.
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