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      Vegetarian Cooking Class with Mothers from Parents Association  With Ven Arya Maitri, Ven Dharmavimala and Ven Nyana
                                                                      Prabhasa and friends at Tri Ratna School's Foundation

           Our efforts to save the environment   org/mindfulness-practice/the-5-  a biscuit in a wrapper and say to
           and spare the suffering of animals   mindfulness-trainings/         them: “Open the biscuit wrapper,
           may be small, but every little bit   Children need to see mindfulness in   look at the biscuit in front of you.
           counts, and in the long run, will   us first before they can learn from   See the shape of the biscuit, then
           add up to a lot. A single policy can   us. The stillness, patience, sincerity,   slowly put the biscuit into your
           make a significant change happen.   and love - they have to feel them   mouth. Taste it, is it crispy? Do
           It was not easy in the early days to   when they are around us.     you like the biscuit? As you eat the
           convince parents of the importance                                  biscuit, say thank you to the person
           of such policies. Some complained   Children love to play, have short   who gave you the biscuit. When
           and even refused to cooperate.    attention spans, and sometimes    you finish eating biscuit, share your
                                             they don’t listen. We need to     thoughts on this process.”
           How do you teach mindfulness to   discipline them. It is difficult to
           children?                         make children sit still and be quiet   What about challenges when

                                             long enough to meditate. But      teaching mindfulness to
           Before we can teach mindfulness   happily, there are other methods   teenagers?
           to children, we need to be mindful   to hold their attention, such as
           ourselves.                        “pebble” meditation. They are given   Teens are full of energy, some love
                                             5 pebbles, and asked to breathe   outdoor activities, some prefer
           Mindfulness needs training,       in and breathe out very slowly,   singing, shopping, or playing music;
           it does not come naturally. At    counting the pebbles from 1 to 5.   while others may not even know
           Plum Village, we practiced five   Those who finish counting are given   what they like.
           mindfulness precepts. Ven. Thich   the pebbles in a nice bag, which
           Nhat Hanh re-phrased the five     they can bring home to practice.   Some teenagers have lots of
           Buddhist Precepts (pañcasīla) to   Games are used to stimulate their   negative energy - they complain
           make them universal, so that even   awareness of their surroundings,   incessantly, are never satisfied, and
           non Buddhists can practice them   and they are taught to enjoy their   may even be overly demanding. It
           in their daily lives. They are: 1.   games, and to love their friends.   is tiring to deal with them, and they
           reverence for life; 2. true happiness;                              often wear their parents down.
           3. true love; 4. loving speech and   How can we make meditation fun
           deep listening; and 5. nourishment   for children?                  Based on my personal experience,
           and healing. Details on the Five                                    I found it exhausting and I needed
           Mindfulness Precepts are available   Eating meditation is appealing to   help. If we ask the right people, it
           as follows: https://plumvillage.  our younger students. We give them   will ease our burden. If parents
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