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           My husband has been very supportive of what I do   My son, I dragged him from children retreat to teens retreat, Plum
                                                              Village Tradition. Everytime he said "NO" but always ended up enjoying
                                                              the retreat and had new friends and learnt something new.

           practice mindfulness at home,     Training themselves until it      Or when he argues with me, he will
           their children will feel the positive   becomes inherent in their nature   be angry with me and retreat to his
           energy flowing in their home, and   before they can be role models for   room quietly, without raising his
           that may have a calming effect on   their own children.             voice at me, or banging his door
           their children.                                                     shut. Sometimes, he will say he
                                             What do you see as the key        needs some time on his own. If he

           At our school, we organize an     benefits of children learning     is in the wrong, he will apologize
           annual Teens Retreat for our      mindfulness?                      afterwards. Of course, it works both
           students. Our school is affiliated                                  ways, I would not hesitate to say
           with the Ekayana Buddhist Temple   Being an only child, my son was used   sorry if I were in the wrong. It just
           which owns a retreat center in    to getting things his way. And as his   goes to show that mindfulness has
           the Jakarta Highland area. During   mother, I sometimes let him have his   helped our family to communicate
           the retreats, the children not only   way because I didn’t want the hassle   better with each other.
           do sitting, walking and eating    of arguing with him. I took him to
           meditation, but fun activities are   Plum Village Retreat during 3 phases   Can you share your happiest
           also incorporated into the program   of his life - pre-teen, early teen, and   moments with mindful
           to make the retreats stimulating   late teen. I found each time he came   parenting?
           and joyful as well.               back from Plum Village, he became
                                             easier to deal with emotionally and   I think mindfulness has made me
           How can parents be a role model   was less moody.                   sharper, more focused and aware
           for children in the practice of                                     of my surroundings. I have become,
           mindfulness?                      He is competitive and often       overall, a much happier person. I

                                             represents his school in          accept and live with the fact that
           Parents want the best things for   Mathematics competitions. He     things don’t always run smoothly
           their children. They are determined   doesn’t always win, and losing can   or turn out the way I want them to.
           to take care of all their needs.   generate negative emotions, as it   Mindfulness heals our emotional
           Meanwhile, they boss their        isn’t easy to admit that there are   wounds. It gives us clarity when we
           children around and control their   others who are better than him.   are dealing with issues affecting our
           movements, forgetting that their   However, over time, he appears to   peace of mind. And, when times are
           children also need space.         be handling losing well. When he   tough, I always have a place to go
           Parents need to loosen our grip a   loses, he is quiet for a while, and   home to, to myself.  EH
           little and learn to let go. They need   after an ice cream treat, he smiles
           to practice the Five Mindfulness   and is his usual self again.
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