Page 19 - EH 71
P. 19


           But memorization is just the first step. The next stage   This Buddhist approach can be found in the records of
           calls for the student to master the material, digest that   the great universities in India, such as Nalanda. It also
           information, so that it is there at his disposal, ready   survives to the present day in the monastic training
           to be used as the raw material for logical analysis or   provided in many Tibetan monasteries.
           creative thinking.
                                                              On Creative Thinking in Buddhist Education

           Creative thinking doesn’t arise in a vacuum. You need to
           have raw materials at your fingertips, not in a book or in   The creativity we are interested in is part of a larger
           a computer somewhere, but right within you. When you   process. Having defined a particular goal, we gather
           can draw upon that information effortlessly then your   necessary information, create various possible
           ability to think on the spot, to deal with unexpected   strategies or solutions, and then put them to the test.
           situations, is greatly enhanced.
                                                              Creativity here is dependent on a mind that is neither
           Memorizing information also gives students a great deal   fixated on old ways of doing things, or on new ways. It
           of confidence. It is empowering to a student to feel that   is free from self-consciousness. It is fuelled by a love
           she’s on top of her subject, that she has the information   and interest in the task, and grounded in appropriate
           and tools that she needs to fulfill tasks successfully.  knowledge and skill.

           The valid criticisms of memorization are really of   A good example of creative thinking is the traffic
           learning things just because you’ve been told to, without   lights which have a countdown so that motorists don’t
           any real interest in them, and then not being taught how   have to get so tense when they are waiting for the
           to process and apply that information. When this occurs   light to change color. This development is based on a
           then the student learns things and then soon forgets   recognition that we find it easier to accept certainties
           them, (does this sound familiar?). This problem is not   (another thirty seconds to go) than uncertainties (how
           restricted to the Thai education system either.    much longer? How much longer? Come on!).

           It is a false idea that Western schools are full of kids   Starting off with the fact that drivers get tense at traffic
           who are incredibly creative, and don’t just memorize   lights and with a goal of reducing that tension, the
           things like Thai children. I see a general over-estimation   inventor used his knowledge of human psychology,
           of the education system of Western countries, and   together with practical knowledge and skills to come up
           assume it to be conditioned by the fact that most Thai   with an elegant and effective solution.
           people who send their children to schools in the West
           are wealthy enough to send them to the best private   The kinds of creativity that come from the ability to step
           schools. Comparisons with the teaching provided    back from the situation, look at it afresh, look at it from
           in such institutions to that provided by the public   a different angle, are the kinds of creativity that can be
           education system in this country are therefore unfair.  cultivated, particularly through Buddhist mindfulness
                                                              techniques. We develop the ability to look within, to let
           The original Buddhist system, based upon which the   go of unnecessary thoughts of the past and the future, to
           Thai education system was taught in monasteries for   be able to dwell unwaveringly on an object, to put down
           hundreds of years, emphasized memorization of texts   the habitual thought processes and dwell in a fertile
           followed by questioning, discussion and debate. The idea   state of clarity and mindfulness.
           is that once you learn something, you talk it through, you
           discuss it, you question it, you look at it from different
           angles, you assimilate it, and make use of it.
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