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           constantly. We either shut down   the bones slowly crumble into     and for the body—we need to move
           or we panic. We are likely to relate   dust and blow away. Nothing is left   slowly and employ some grounding
           to the death of our planet in much   after that. We can also engage in a   practices. Whenever we feel that
           the same way as we relate to the   similar reflection for the planet by   this contemplation is becoming too
           death of our own body. Just as our   visualizing a landscape ravaged by   intense, it’s important to take a step
           body was born and must therefore   refineries, fracking wells, and open   back and remind ourselves that this
           inevitably die, so must our planet.   mines. We could imagine how the   is a very long journey. To make this
           Whether this happens in a hundred   Earth might be 20 years from now,   path sustainable, we must be gentle
           years because of climate change or   50 years from now, or 100, 200,   with ourselves.
           nuclear destruction, or in a billion   or 500 years from now. Then we
           years when our sun burns out—the   can fast-forward to a billion years   We can imagine roots coming out
           death of our planet is also inevitable.   from now, when the sun might have   of our feet or root chakra. When we
                                             turned into a red giant and our   breathe in, we breathe in through
           Stars are born, they live, and they   oceans are boiling. If we keep fast-  those roots and draw nourishment
           die. Our sun is no different, and   forwarding, we’ll come to a time   up from the Earth. When we breathe
           when it goes, the Earth will go with   when there is nothing left of the   out, we send our gratitude deep
           it. In the distant future, when the   Earth but dust.               down into the planet. We feel the
           sun expands into a red giant during                                 Earth welcoming, sustaining, and
           the throes of death, it will vaporize   It’s important to remember   nurturing us. We can’t fall off her—
           the Earth. But just as with our own   that we are not engaging in   she will always catch us. Finally,
           bodies, the debris will reconstellate   this contemplation in order to   we experience ourselves and the
           into new celestial bodies. Our planet   arouse a sense of fear or guilt or   Earth as inseparable. We are part
           is not exempt from that fate. The   hopelessness. Death contemplation   of her, and she is part of us. Once
           Earth was born from stardust more   is a tough maturing practice that we   we see this clearly, we won’t be
           than four billion years ago, and   undertake in the service of waking   able to engage in certain behaviors
           therefore she must also die someday.   up. Reflecting on what we humans   any longer. Before I started to
                                             have inflicted on the planet is also   meditate, I would slap mosquitoes,
           Our personal journeys are often   a tough maturing practice. Really   but after years of meditation, I can
           messy and chaotic, and our        taking in and integrating these   no longer do this. After all, don’t the
           collective evolutionary journey   truths is difficult, and it requires a   mosquitoes and I come from the
           is also messy and chaotic. I hear   lot of courage and determination   same place? Don’t we both have the
           people say, “I can’t just sit here on   to meet what is actually happening   same mother?
           the cushion. I need to do something.   with our bodies and with the planet.
           I need to stop this from happening.”                                If we fully give ourselves to
           Yes, there is a lot to be done, but   Anyone who chooses to work    this practice, there will be a
           whatever we do must be based on   with these practices is likely to go   transformation that affects
           right understanding. On the ultimate   through various emotional stages. It   everything we think and say and
           level, nothing can be gained or lost,   begins with denial and then usually   do. But we need to put ourselves on
           but in our conventional lives, there   moves through shock, terror, guilt,   the line for this to happen, because
           is a lot to lose.                 and hopelessness. These are just the   there will definitely be discomfort.
                                             early stages. If we get stuck in any   Little by little, we’ll come to know
           Another form of maraṇasati is to   one of these emotions, we will never   for ourselves the origin of our
           follow a newly-dead body through   experience the fruits of this practice.   actions. Is a particular action
           all its stages of decay. First the   In order to support the journey   coming from an understanding of
           skin and flesh gradually fall away,   from the early to the later stages   the inevitability of death? Or from a
           leaving only a skeleton, and finally   of maraṇasati—both for the Earth   place of fear or guilt or confusion?
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