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                                             Santacitta Bhikkhuni was born in Austria and did her graduate studies
                                             in Cultural Anthropology, focusing on dance, theatre and ritual. She
                                             also worked in avant-garde dance theatre as a performer and costume
                                             designer. In 1988 she met Ajahn Buddhadasa in southern Thailand,
                                             who sparked her interest in Buddhist monastic life. She trained as a
                                             nun in England and Asia from 1993 until 2009, primarily in the lineage
                                             of Ajahn Chah. Since 2002, she has also received teachings in the
                                             lineage of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

                                             Santacitta Bhikkhuni co-founded Aloka Vihara in 2009 and received
                                             Bhikkhuni Ordination in 2011. She is committed to Gaia as a living being
                                             and resides at Aloka Earth Room, currently located in San Rafael, CA.

           Eco vs. Ego: The Planet and Us

           By Bhikkhunī Santacittā

           Teaching at Spirit Rock MeditaEon Center,   Both photos above: Karuna Buddhist Vihara, Sunny Vale, CA, April 2023, meeEng with Anya
           Woodacre, CA with Thanissara Mary Weinberg   Santussika, Ayya CiMananda, Anagarika Sarana, Anagarika Bethany.
           and Pawan Baraja, October 2022

           AS MONASTICS, we are taught to    If we can learn to hold our whole   We grow, we age, we die, and we
           contemplate old age, sickness, and   life within the big picture of old   return back to the planet again—
           death every day. Reflecting on these   age, sickness, and death, everything   one chapter closes, another opens.
           truths gives our practice a sense of   cools down, and we develop a sense   Through our meditation practice,
           urgency, as we come to understand   of perspective from which to make   we come to see ourselves as waves
           that we are all together in this—that   better choices.             rising and falling on the surface of
           nobody is exempt from that fate. We                                 a great ocean. We see that death
           need to remind ourselves regularly   When we look more closely, it   isn’t really the end, and birth wasn’t
           that, while we don’t know when we   becomes apparent that it can’t be   really the beginning, either.
           are going to die, it is certain that we   any other way. Death is the opposite
           will die—that death is inevitable.   of birth, not the opposite of life.   If a wave rises out of the water,
           For many people, death ideally    There is no birth without death,   it must eventually fall back into
           would never happen. But dying isn’t   and there is no death without birth.   the water, and then other waves
           a defeat or the result of a mistake.   Our bodies arise out of the planet.   will follow. Through the practice
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