Page 53 - Berita 151
P. 53
A Better Life for Strays
日期 Date :26/02/2022
时间 Time :8:00pm - 10:00pm
地点 Venue :线上 Online
参与人数 Attendees : 约120人
around 120 people
本活动邀请到兽医官梁薇莉医生以及关丹动物拯救及 Ee Loe分享本身经营流浪猫狗的庇护所的经验。
教育协会负责人Ee Loe担任主讲人。两位主讲人和大 Ee Loe was sharing her experience of running a shelter for stray cats and dogs.
生起厌恶的观念。 护所空间有限的问题。
梁薇莉与出席者分享有关为动物打预防针的知识,并 活动中,参与者也踊跃发问,了解如何照顾流浪猫
谈到如何解决流浪猫狗过多的问题,如执行绝育计划 狗。这次跨界的分享充分体现出佛陀所说的每一个
来控制流浪猫狗数量。Ee Loe则分享本身经营流浪猫 生命都是平等的,并且让大家有机会去实践佛陀的
狗的庇护所时面临的种种问题,如资金周转不足和庇 教法。
Doctor Lean (from left) and the moderator Chia Hui Ping.
YBAM Pahang SLC organised an online talk on caring vaccination and how to tackle the problem of stray
for stray animals ‘A Better Life for Strays’ to encourage cats and dogs, such as carrying out the spay and
people to adopt stray cats and dogs and to promote neuter programme to control their numbers. Ee
the concept of adoption instead of purchasing to Loe shared with the audience the problems she
solve the problem of overpopulation of stray animals. faced when running a shelter for stray cats and
dogs, such as lack of funds and limited space in the
The event featured Doctor Lean, a veterinary officer, shelter.
and Ee Loe from the Kuantan Animals Rescue
& Education (KARE). The speakers shared their During the talk, the audience also actively asked
knowledge regarding stray animals with the audience questions about how to take care of stray cats and
to change the perception of having an aversion to dogs. This cross-discipline sharing fully presented
stray animals. the Buddha's teachings that every life is equal and
gave everyone an opportunity to put the Buddha's
Doctor Lean shared her knowledge on animal teachings into practice.