Page 56 - Berita 151
P. 56
Buddhist Insight on Life and Death
日期 Date :18/03/2022 – 20/03/2022
时间 Time :8:00pm - 10:00pm
地点 Venue :线上 Online
参与人数 Attendees : 200人 200 people
法师说,佛陀用一生的生命,引导众生诠释及领悟生 通明法师以佛法的智慧,与大众分享如何面对生死。
死的问题。如果众生不知道如何在现世生活,死亡必 Venerable Tong Ming shared with the audience the wisdom of the Dharma in
然显得很痛苦。法师强调在生活中要省思自己是否和 facing death
调伏烦恼最为理想。此外,法师也说如果能让身边的 第三天晚上,法师特别强调修持的重要性,因为用心
人活得安心舒服,我们已经在准备死亡的路上成功了 做功课才可以真正帮助到往生者,助念是对往生者的
一半。 一种祝福同时也在帮助活着的人,让家属安心并结下
善缘。 法师也叮咛说在带着往生者做功课时,不是
第二天晚上,法师继续为大家开示如何保持正确的心 应酬,而是真心的做才能达到冥阳两利。
法师说:“当一个人在生病时,应该把病交给医生, 最后,法师提醒各位佛教徒学佛应具备闻思修、信愿
生命交给佛菩萨,一切回到因果,对三宝的深信,忏 行及戒定慧。读诵经典,除了读诵之外还要理解,并
悔业障及回向功德。这样就可以平安、安详、温馨及 回到生活、生命中去实践和体会,才能达到深入经
带着家人朋友们的祝福离开。” 藏、智慧如海,生命能与佛法结合。
Life is short and impermanent, and no one can is ill, one should leave his illness to the doctor and
escape from impermanence. Most people are lost or his life to the Buddha and Bodhisattva. Everything
even avoid talking about death. Venerable Tong Ming goes back to the law of karma, having faith in the
shared with the audience the wisdom of the Dharma Triple Gem, repentance on shortcoming, and sharing
in facing death for three consecutive nights. Venerable of merits. In this way, one can leave in peace and
said that the Buddha spent his entire life guiding tranquillity with the blessings of family and friends.
sentient beings in interpreting and comprehending
issues of life and death. If sentient beings do not On the third night, Venerable stressed the importance
know how to live in this world, death will certainly of practice, as practice with determination can truly
be painful. Venerable emphasised the importance of help the deceased, and also help the living, providing
reflecting on whether one is in tune with the Dharma calmness to family members and planting wholesome
in his/her life. When facing adversity in life, one can seeds of karma. Venerable also urged that one should
tame the troubled mind by returning to peace and perform any rituals for the deceased with sincerity to
serenity. Venerable also said that if we can make the benefit both the deceased and the living.
people around us live in peace and comfort, we have
already succeeded halfway in preparing for death. Finally, Venerable reminded all Buddhists that they
should learn Buddhism via listening, pondering,
On the second night, Venerable continued to teach and cultivating morality (sīla), mental concentration
the participants how to maintain the right state of (samādhi) and wisdom (paňňa). In addition to reading
mind and to practise saying goodbye with joy and and reciting the sutras, one must also understand
without any regrets. Venerable said that when one and practise the Dharma in daily life.