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Sabah/Labuan SLC Children Online Dharma Class.
The spread of Covid-19 pandemic has severely 5 September 2021, attracting 84 children and 38
affected and changed the way how people are living. teens to participate. Children’s session comprises
Therefore, YBAM Perak SLC and Sabah Labuan SLC of the teaching on the Triple Gems, Buddhist rites
jointly organised Online Children and Teens Dharma and rituals, learning the ‘Sutra of Fillial Piety’,
Class for the kids to gather virtually and experience a Buddha’s story and Ksitigarbha Buddhisvata, etc. As
different kind of Dharma learning. for the teens, the content of classes consists of an
introduction to Buddha Mantra, discussion on ‘what
Since 21 March 2021, YBAM Perak SLC has hosted 15 is Buddhism’, an introduction to Pure Land Buddhism
sessions of ‘e-Learning kids Dharma Class’, containing and the Buddha’s life, etc.
a variety of activities, including Dharma teaching,
movie sharing, online board game, cooking demo, and Both Dharma classes ended on 24 October and 5
storytelling, creating a fun way of learning Dharma. December 2021, respectively. In future, online classes
will be dynamically adjusted to suit online platforms,
While YBAM Sabah Labuan SLC has hosted 7 sessions attracting kids to learn Buddhism and planting a seed
of children and teen Buddha Dharma classes since of kindness in their heart.
Activity photo of Teen Online Dharma Class organised by Sabah/Labuan SLC.