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               aspects of Dhamma: the Five Mental Hindrances, the   necessary. A daily routine is important, and attending
               Five Aggregates, the Six Sense Bases, the Seven Factors   short retreats to familiarize oneself with the practice
               Of Enlightenment, and the Four Noble Truths).      will be useful.
               The cultivation of mindfulness helps us to translate our
               bookish knowledge or conceptual understanding into   Should any doubt, fear or anxiety arise one should
               experiential knowledge.                            pause and seek guidance. If proper guidance is not
                                                                  available, one should not try to venture too far. As one
               With proper guidance, the practice of Mindfulness   dwells deeper into practice more cleansing will take
               Meditation will lead to the development of mental   place with the clearing of stuck energies or emotional
               absorptions (Jhānas) and insight into the true nature   blockages. This could sometimes be rather unpleasant.
               of one’s ‘self’. It is also an effective tool for silencing of   Moreover, as one’s practice progresses, one will become
               the mind in order to break the habitual tendency of the   more aware and sensitive to one’s surroundings. Hence
               mind to create thoughts. It is this habitual tendency   the need for proper guidance.
               of thinking and rethinking that generates karma and
               craving, resulting in the continuous cycle of birth, old   A serious practitioner should always look out for an
               age, sickness and death.                           authentic teacher to provide guidance. How do we find
                                                                  one?  Just be truthful and sincere. There is a saying that
               Craving or the grasping of desire is the cause of   when a student is ready the teacher appears. Personal
               suffering. It is a force that drives us to get what we want.   guidance is essential as one gets deeper into the
               When we satisfy our desire, we are happy, but what we   practice. A genuine and sincere student in the quest of
               do not realize is that we have added more fuel to this   truth will naturally receive the blessings, guidance and
               driving force. That is why our craving becomes even   protection of the Triple Gem, namely, the Buddha, the
               stronger.                                          Dhamma and the Saṅgha

               With the silencing of our mind through mindfulness, we   What is meant by realization of the Dhamma? Are
               can effectively reduce the tendency of craving, thereby   there different levels of realization, and how do we
               reducing and eventually putting an end to suffering.  know we have realized the true Dhamma rather
               We are fortunate to live at a time when there are still   than mere hallucination?
               living masters who are able to provide proper guidance
               on the development of the Four Foundations of      Realization of the Dhamma is the realization of the
               Mindfulness, to attain to the path and fruition leading to   Truth, the knowledge that enables us to transcend birth,
               the realization of Nibbāna.                        old age, sickness and death. It is also the realization of
                                                                  the true nature of our ‘self’ and the world around us.
               How do we know we are practicing meditation        Such realization is always accompanied with a sense of
               correctly, especially if we do not have the benefit of   joy and bliss.
               a teacher with us most of the time?

                                                                  The experience of the bliss of Nibbāna is beyond words,
               The taste of Dhamma is the taste of peace. So the rule   as words are mere symbols or concepts used to describe
               of thumb for one who practices meditation correctly   worldly objects or phenomena. Nibbāna is experienced
               would be the experience of peaceful states of mind.   when the mind transcends all sensory perceptions and
               With regular and prolonged practice certain changes   becomes totally unconditioned. It is beyond thoughts
               or transformation will take place. The tendencies of   – the complete cessation of the tendencies of grasping,
               grasping, anger and delusion will be reduced.      aversion and delusion.

               In the early stages there will be hurdles and obstacles   There are different levels of realization depending on
               to clear. So patience, endurance and perseverance are   the sharpness and clarity of our minds and how deeply
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