Page 13 - EH57
P. 13


                we are able to penetrate through the emptiness of our   In order to avoid such pitfalls it is important for serious
                sensory perception.                               practitioners to receive proper guidance from realized
                If we practice systematically by going through step
                by step with proper guidance, we will know how we   Any final advice for lay Buddhists how they should
                have progressed on the Dhamma’s path. With the    study and practice the Dhamma so that they will
                cultivation of Mindfulness Meditation we will be able   finally realize the truth taught by the Buddha?
                to experience and recognize the different mental states,
                such as the different Jhānas or mental absorptions,   Cultivate generosity. Be prepared to make sacrifices and
                before proceeding on to the development of insight or   to invest your time, energy, and money in the pursuit of
                Vipassanā. There are also different Ñanas or insight   the Buddha Dhamma.
                knowledges which we need to go through and recognize
                before attaining to the different stages of enlightenment.  Make the right connections by associating with true
                 Without proper guidance, we may tend to interpret our   spiritual friends or Kalyāṇa-mittatā.
                own experience with our limited understanding of the   Develop the qualities of reverence, humility, contentment
                Dhamma. This may lead to hallucinations.          and gratitude and the timely listening to the Dhamma.

                In order to know whether we have realized the true   Reflect on the preciousness of the human life and the
                Dhamma, we need to check ourselves to see whether   realities of our existence such as old age, sickness and
                the tendencies of grasping, aversion and delusion are   death. And get your priorities right.
                still present. This may take some time. We need to check
                ourselves when our mind is in its natural state, not   Above all, be sincere and truthful in your quest for the
                fixed, or conditioned.                            Truth, and have faith and confidence in the Buddha,
                                                                  Dhamma and Saṅgha.
                When our minds are fixed and conditioned,
                hallucination can occur. If we have heard or read   May the Dhamma unfold in your hearts!
                something about Nibbāna being blissful and empty in   May you grow in wisdom and compassion and help
                nature, through imagination we may create such mental   others - whoever that comes your way.
                states.                                           May all beings be well and happy!   EH
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