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               Asia and Southeast Asian regions.   that the Chinese only accepted and   their own Buddhist characteristics.
               Second is the Chinese Mahāyāna    absorbed the Buddhist cultivation   Each development has its historical
               Buddhist tradition transmitted in   and practice methods that were   background and limitations. For
               the Chinese Language, inherited   superior and more refined than    instance, when Buddhism was
               by Korea, part of Vietnam, Japan,   the Chinese methods. We can say   transmitted to the SEA region, it was
               and all Chinese Buddhists around   that—since the Tang Dynasty—     still in a simple and unsophisticated
               the world; And third is the Sanskrit   China has retained her very strong   narrative format, which was closer
               Language tradition inherited      and rich cultural background. And   to the Indian Culture. Buddhism
               mainly by Tibet. Besides Tibet,   China’s unique cultural features   that reached the regions of Central
               some of them have returned to     are not easily assimilated into   Asia and China belonged to the
               Dharamsala, India. There are also   Indian Culture. Besides, Chinese   second phase of development, of
               Tibetan Buddhist groups in many   Mahāyāna Buddhism resulted        which the descriptive Mahāyāna
               European, North American, and     from the fusion of three major    Sūtras were the main scriptures
               South American countries. When    civilizations in the world via the   carrying the core principles and
               we look at the spread of Buddhism   Silk Road—Rome, Greek and       thinking of the Buddha. Next is
               at the international level in this era,   Indian—through mutual resistance,   Tibetan Buddhism, which belonged
               the current Buddhism in the West   compromise, and acceptance of    to the later Mahāyāna Buddhism—
               is developing and spreading, and   these three civilizations. The culture   the later Buddhist thinking—in
               their understanding of Buddhism   of Buddhism, after having gone    India. Tibetan Buddhism is from
               is growing deeper and broader as   through (and been impacted by)   the infertile highlands, where the
               well. One aspect we need to pay   the culture of Central Asia, changed   natural environment is perilous.
               attention to is that the cultural,   to adapt to the new soil, and thus   Thus their belief tend to be
               linguistic, ethnical, and historical   formed the Buddhism found along   mysterious, which complies with
               factors should be considered      the Silk Road. Chang-an and Luo-  the belief of polytheism in India
               in the process of spreading and   yang in Eastern China, for example,   that entered Tibet in the late period.
               transmitting Buddhism; we should   came into contact with Mahāyāna   Fortunately for them, Tibetan
               understand and grasp the factors   Buddhism—which aims towards the   Buddhists emphasize treatises,
               that are involved.                Bodhisattva-to-Buddha Path—in     education, and speculative thought.
                                                 Central Asia through the Silk Road.
               For example, when Buddhism        The ultimate goal of Bodhisattva   Chinese Buddhism prioritizes
               entered the SEA region, SEA       Buddhism is to perfectly fulfill   Mahāyāna Sūtras and Treatises,
               countries accepted the living style,   the Buddhahood, not to attain   and Āgama Sūtras. The aspects
               cultural features, and ancient Indian   Arahatship. Buddha and some of   of knowledge and faith of these
               languages (Pāli, for example) that   His disciples were Arahats; the two   resources are lacking in Pāli
               came along with Buddhism without   have different accomplishments and   Buddhism. The key to mastering
               exception.                        experience, yet the goal is the same.   the coherency of the essence of
                                                 This can be further discussed in   the practice should be based on
               However, when the Indian          the future. We can understand the   the points just mentioned, the
               languages, culture and ethnical   strong points and imperfections of   same goes for choosing your belief
               elements were brought to China,   each if we study the three systems   system.
               the Chinese chose to retain their   in Buddhism: — Pāli, Chinese, and
               own culture, language, and ethnical   Tibetan. Through understanding,   From the knowledge-wise, we can
               characteristics. We notice that the   we can learn how the preferences   further understand that for Indians,
               eating utensils used by the Chinese   and choices of a nation plays a role   there are differences between
               Buddhists were different from the   in the development and evolution   Buddha and gods. In its ancient
               Indian Buddhists. This indicates   of each system, eventually forming   period, Buddhism was considered
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