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confirm their ego. But that’s not our on the spiritual path. If only one trying to make it run the way we
business; it’s wholly and entirely person develops it in himself or want it to—on which we even learn
theirs. So long as we meditate and herself, the whole world will be the to love something that we may not
win new insights, it will always be better for it. And the more people have wanted at all.
simpler to recognize that all desire purify their hearts, the greater the
for self-affirmation, all aggression, gain for everyone. We can do this The Buddha spoke about a love that
all claims for power, all wanting to work every day from morning to knows no distinctions. It’s simply
have and be are intertwined with night, because we are constantly the quality of the heart. If we have
conflict. So we have to keep trying confronted with ourselves—with it, we’ll find a completely new path
to let go of willing and wishing, all our reactions and with the in life. EH
in order to return to equanimity. mulishness that keeps us busy,
You can’t meditate at all without because it has such a solid hold on
equanimity. If we are excited or our inner life. The more observant
absolutely want to get or get rid of we are, the easier we’ll find it to
something, we can’t come to rest. let go, until the stubbornness has
Equanimity makes both everyday disappeared, and we’ve become
life and meditation easier. peaceful and happy.
That doesn’t mean that conscience This work compensates us with
should simply be set aside. We need great profit and with a security
only understand that this judge in that can be found nowhere else.
our own heart creates nothing but At bottom we all know about the
conflict. If we really want to have factors that make up the spiritual
peace, then we have to strive to life, but acting in accordance with Extracted from “Visible Here and
develop love and compassion in them is very hard. Loving-kindness, Now: The Buddha’s Teachings on
our heart. Everyone can achieve compassion, sympathetic joy, and the Rewards of Spiritual Practice”,
this, because ultimately the heart is equanimity are the four highest by Ayya Khema. Translated by Peter
there to love, as the mind is there emotions, the only ones worth Heinegg; edited by Leigh Brasington.
to think. If we renounce thinking having. They bring us to a level on Boulder: Shambhala, 2001.US$24.95
in meditation, then we sense a which life gains breadth, greatness,
feeling of purity. We develop purity and beauty and on which we stop