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               relationship to others is a key   love our enemy and practice mercy,   others are being hurt. A bodhisattva
               practice for bodhisattvas, whose   regardless of the circumstances.   could never stand by and let that
               primary commitment is to love     So it is not only Buddhists who   happen. A bodhisattva practices
               and be of service to others.      preach universal love, compassion,   radical acts of protection, which

                                                 and care for the other. If anything,   might sometimes be forceful. But
               He goes on with his argument: The   Christianity and the Judaism out   force is avoided if at all possible
               actions of others, no matter how   of which Christianity arose have   in favor of any gentler method
               heinous, are not what make us     even more radical teachings on love   that stands even a slight chance
               angry. The real cause of our anger   than Buddhism does. It would be   of working. Even where forceful
               is our own unwise reaction to the   hard to find a more thoroughgoing   methods seem necessary, they are
               action. If you hit me and I don’t   expression of universal love and   applied without anger or hatred but
               mind, there’s no anger. If you wave   care for others than that which is   rather with sadness, strength, and
               a stick through the air and I am not   everywhere in the Sufi poetry of   an eye to eventual healing as soon as
               there to receive the blow, there’s   Rumi. “If you don’t want to be dead,   the conflict abates. EH
               no anger. “You made me angry!” is   never be without love. / Die in love
               never accurate. No other person is   if you want to be truly alive,” he
               responsible for my anger, no matter   writes.
               how terrible their behavior may   It seems to me that however much
               have been. Anger is mine and mine   justifying anger makes sense in
               alone. When I seize my anger, train it   theory, it doesn’t actually work
               on you, and act, I am going to cause   in practice, because retaliation—
               a lot of harm. Acting in anger is like   seeking what we call “justice”—
               trying to throw a handful of shit at   breeds further retaliation. In my
               your enemy. You may or may not hit   anger I decide that your conduct
               her or him, but you will certainly   is evil. I do not consult with you
               soil yourself.                    about this; I decide for myself.
               In our culture, anger is often viewed   Then I engage in a battle with
               positively. When someone says or   you that goes on and on, possibly
               does something wrong, especially   for generations. We have seen
               to you, someone you care about,   this happen in personal as well
               or an institution or a symbol you   as world affairs—in families,
               identify with, you should get angry.   religious groups, nations. Insult
               You shouldn’t just sit back and   leads to insult, incident to incident,   Extracted from Norman Fischer, The
               acquiesce. Justice, as well as your   war to war. Even if the warring   World Could Be Otherwise, Boston:
               dignity and self-respect, is served by   parties are happy to go on with   Shambhala, 2019. Pp 224. US$17.95.
               your anger. By extension, a society   their aggression, innocent people
               is best served when it is made up of   always end up being hurt. In the
               individuals who take this attitude,   end someone will have to help the
               whose anger won’t let them sit idly   warring parties heal. Or bury them.
               by as bad guys do bad things, and   If peace and concern for others is
               who will collectively pursue such   the bodhisattva path, it’s clear that
               bad guys anywhere in the world    anger must be dissolved.
               with state power and might.       Trying to practice love and
                                                 compassion, and letting go of anger,
               But our culture also has the opposite   doesn’t mean acquiescing when
               idea. Jesus’s radical teaching is to   harm is done, especially when
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