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               teachings on the four highest     and only thing that holds us back is   observe that we find more people
               emotions. These are called in Pāli   our thinking, judging mind.    unlovable than otherwise. That
               the brahmavihārās; or four divine                                   too can bring no happiness. So we
               abodes. They are loving-kindness,   We’re all looking for an ideal world,   should try to turn this around, and
               compassion, sympathetic joy and   but it can exist only in our own heart,   find more and more people lovable.
               equanimity.                       and for this we have to develop our   We have to act like every mother:
                                                 heart’s capacity so that we learn to   she loves her children even though
               If we had only these four emotions   love independently.            they sometimes behave very badly.
               at our disposal, we would have                                      We can make this sort of approach
               paradise on earth. Unfortunately   So the only thing that matters is   our goal and recognize it as our way
               that’s not how it is, and so we rarely   to incline one’s own heart to love,   of practice.
               experience any paradisiacal feelings.   because the person who loves is
               Most of the time we torment       by nature lovable too. Yet if we
               ourselves with difficulties in the   love only because we want to be
               family, in our circle of friends, and   endearing, we succumb to the error
               on the job. Our mind constantly tells   of expecting results for our efforts.
               us about all the things that don’t suit   If an action is worth doing, then
               it; and it usually fingers the guilty   it doesn’t lose this value, whether
               party, the person who’s bothering   we get results or not. We don’t
               us, who doesn’t want things the way   love as a favor to another or to get
               we want them. But let’s remember:   something. We love for the sake of
               whenever somebody else says or    love, and so we succeed in filling
               does something, it’s a matter of his   our hearts with love. And the fuller
               or her karma alone. Only a negative   it gets, the less room there is for
               reaction on our side creates our   negatives.                       Loving Kindness
               own karma.                                                          The Buddha called this kind of
                                                 The Buddha recommended            love mettā, which is not identical
               This is what we absolutely have   looking upon all people as one’s   to what we call love. “Craving” in
               to understand: who is doing the   own children. Loving all men and   Pāli is lobha, which sounds rather
               loving—myself or the other? If I   women as if one were their mother   like the English word for love; and
               myself love, then I have a certain   is a high ideal. But every little   because the entire world revolves
               purity of heart. But if the love is   step toward this goal helps us to   around wanting-to-have, we also
               dependent on this or that person   purify our hearts. The Buddha also   interpret love this way. But that’s not
               or situation, then I’m passing    explained that it was quite possible   love, because love is the will to give.
               judgment and dividing people into   that we already were mothers to   Wanting to have is absurd, when we
               those I think lovable and those I   all the many men and women. If we   think of love and yet degrade it to
               don’t. We’re all looking for an ideal   keep this fact before our eyes, it’ll   this level. Although a loving heart
               world, but it can exist only in our   be much easier to get along with   without wishes and limits opens up
               own heart, and for this we have to   people, even those who don’t strike   the world in its purity and beauty,
               develop our heart’s capacity so that   us as lovable.               we have made little or no use of this
               we learn to love independently. This                                inherent capacity.
               means that we increasingly purify   If we observe ourselves very
               our heart, free it from negativity,   carefully—and that’s the point of   The far enemy of love is obviously
               and fill it with more and more love.   mindfulness—we will find that   hatred. The near enemy of love is
               The more love a heart contains, the   we ourselves are not one hundred   clinging. Clinging means that we’re
               more love it can pour out. The one   percent lovable. We will also   not standing on our own two feet
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