Page 56 - EH59
P. 56


           The Oxford Learners Dictionary explained that      companions, having through their own experience,
           “prayers are words that you say to God giving thanks   realized their respective level of the path. The Buddha
           or asking for help.” How would a Buddhist define   is quoted as having said, “I have shown you the path
           prayer then since we do not have a concept of a God   to liberation, but know that its achievement depends
           in Buddhism?                                       on you.” So, you see, prayer in the Buddhist context is
                                                              not merely mouthing words in recitation of verses. Nor
           Aggacitta: Buddhism may not have the concept of    is it asking to be given inner qualities without making
           an almighty creator God, but it nevertheless admits   effort oneself. Rather, it is the full engagement of one’s
           to a hierarchy of devas. Therefore if we follow the   body, speech and mind, in order to move the mind in the
           commentarial attitude, the above definition of prayer   direction of virtuous transformation, as pointed out by
           can therefore still hold by the mere substitution of “a   Buddha.
           deva/s” for God.
                                                              When Buddhists visit temples, they usually bow to
           Min Wei: Originally, dictionaries define prayer as a   the Buddha image, make some aspirations and do
           request for help or expression of gratitude directed to   some chanting. If this is not considered praying,
           God or saints. Prayer is the central devotional activity of   what is their purpose?
           many religions.
                                                              Aggacitta: This can certainly be considered praying if
           In Buddhism, prayer is not simply addressed to an   the intent is meant to be so. In fact, many traditional
           external being. Prayer is an organized way of changing   Buddhists do this very often, believing that the Buddha
           the mind. By repeating good thoughts, sincerely from   is a very powerful deva (par excellence) who can
           the depths of our heart, over and over again, they   compassionately grant wishes and offer protection
           become habitual ways of thinking. In the end, the way   in times of danger. I would think such a phenomena
           one reacts to life’s situations will be made very different,   is the natural outcome of “folk” Buddhism, i.e. when
           just through constant prayer.                      Buddhism becomes embedded in the culture of a society
                                                              and its lofty ideals lie buried under multiple layers of
           However, most Buddhist don’t pray to a divine authority,   rites, rituals and superstitions.
           Creator God or for anything. Yet, Buddhist practitioners
           turn their attention to let go of everything.      Theoretically, the Buddha image is merely meant to
                                                              symbolize the historical existence of a perfectly self-
           Dadul: Surely, when the term ‘prayer’ is used in the   awakened being who rediscovered and taught us
           context of approaching an almighty God in giving thanks   the sublime Dhamma. When Buddhists come to its
           for a favor received or in asking for help in the future,   presence, it is supposed to inspire faith and evoke
           then of course, Buddhists could not be spoken of as   feelings of gratitude for His sublime teachings, respect
           ‘praying.’ That is simply because the Buddhists do not   for His impeccable virtues and love for being their
           have the concept of an almighty God who is not only all-  teacher. Such feelings can be physically expressed
           loving, all-knowing, but also all-powerful. There is a case   by bowing thrice. If the chants are related to the
           to be made for Buddha being omnipresent, and certainly   recollection of His qualities or those of His Dhamma or
           omniscient, but not omnipotent. Any individual mind   His community of awakened followers, then they are
           can only be changed by one’s own efforts. Buddha,   relevant.
           Dharma and Saṃgha are refuge in their respective ways
           of being examples for us and something to aspire to   In reality, however, pious Buddhists tend to go beyond
           ourselves. Buddha, having completely embodied the   that and make aspirations as described above and
           culmination of the path, is the infallible guide; Dharma,   chant non-canonical verses or passages of protection or
           as the infallible teachings or path, Saṃgha as infallible   success.
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