Page 57 - EH59
P. 57
Min Wei: According to Buddhism, chants are not merely categorically stated that after having given dāna, one
prayers but are reminders of the beneficence or merit of could wish to be reborn in any fortunate realm of
the Buddha, Dharma and Saṃgha or the Triple Gem of existence; and that aspiration could be fulfilled provided
Buddhism. The main prayer of the Buddhist practitioner one is morally virtuous and not otherwise [Dānupapatti
is a commitment to help all sentient beings, by achieving Sutta AN 8.35].
the perfection of Buddhahood. It means to recollect the
qualities of the Buddha leads to the deepest conviction Min Wei: Buddhist practitioners do not pray requesting
in following his example. anything from anyone, but setting one’s own intentions.
Believing in prayer, we will become what we believe.
If we understand the deep meaning of prayer, it is Buddhists believe that our ability to be touched by
simply based on our practice of mindfulness and strong emotions is proof of the working of compassion
concentration. Therefore, we can say that reciting within us.
the sūtra is also prayer. In Buddhism, prayer must go
along with mindfulness, insight, loving kindness and Some forms of Buddhist practice that look like
compassion. Praying and sending spiritual energy prayers don’t in fact involve the Buddha or any other
to those who are sick, as we do in Buddhism, is very enlightened figure. When Buddhists are cultivating
important for their healing. We all have wishes and loving kindness and they are repeating phrases like
aspiration which serve as the motivation for our “May all beings be well; May all beings be happy,” they
prayers. are not invoking any kind of external energy. On the
contrary, they are strengthening their own desire to see
However, chanting or reciting a sūtra can be considered beings flourish and be free from suffering.
as prayer in Buddhism. The purpose of sūtra chanting is
to be in touch with the teaching of the Buddha. We chant Indeed, in the spiritual goal of Buddhism, we are not
with mindfulness, faith and compassion, as well as some praying for personal material gain, wealth, or fame;
hidden meanings behind them. rather, we are praying in order to turn our mind
towards the positive qualities of compassion and
Dadul: Whether we call that ‘praying’ or something else understanding.
is another matter. The important thing is to establish
what they are actually doing. They are paying their Dadul: Certainly, and that is the case when it comes to
respect, honoring the Buddha’s qualities of universal how prayer can be so useful within one’s own Buddhist
love, universal compassion, all-knowing wisdom, etc., practice. The above example of the seven-limb prayer
and drawing inspiration to follow the Buddha’s example is an example of this. We can think of aspiration as
to cultivate the paths to achieving those same qualities. getting the mind ready to move in a particular direction,
making it more flexible and receptive to the particular
Can we not regard prayer as an aspiration or mental virtuous qualities one seeks to cultivate. Buddha spoke
wish for something wholesome and as setting our of how our minds can be made more or less receptive
mind in a certain direction to achieve our spiritual to teachings with regard to our attitude, by first
goal? recognizing our intention, perspective, or attitude as
a key factor in our development of inner qualities and
Aggacitta: Aspiration is certainly distinct from prayer creation of virtuous karma.
as defined above because the former is not dependent
on a third party for fulfilment, as in the latter. While
I do not know of any Pāli word for prayer, I do know
that the Pāli word cetopaṇidhi can be translated as
mental inclination or aspiration. In fact, the Buddha