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Studying Buddhism in
the Digital Age
By Dr. Alexander Berzin
His Holiness the 14th Dalai times would change. In addition,
Lama has called for 21st-century because of the enlightening quality
Buddhism, with the emphasis not of Buddha’s speech, each listener
on ritual, prayer and devotion, would be able to understand his
but rather on study, especially of teachings in their own language no
the works of the seventeen great matter now often their language
Nalanda masters. In keeping with would change until the time of their
Buddha’s skill in methods, study enlightenment.
needs to fit the circumstances of the
21st century and be in accord with For language to become an effective
the communication methods of the means of communication, it
Dr. Alexander Berzin Digital Age. For Buddhist education needs a medium. Before Buddha’s
to remain effective, it needs to teachings were written down, they
(1944 - present) is a Buddhist
adapt to the present-day needs, were transmitted through oral
translator, teacher, scholar
as it has always done in the past. transmission. Disciples learned the
and practitioner with more
Especially for the great Nalanda teachings through hearing someone
than 50 years of Buddhist tradition of Buddhist education to repeating them. They studied them
experience. After receiving continue, it needs to adapt to the further by memorizing the words
his Ph.D. at Harvard, Dr. modern methods of education, so and periodically reciting them.
Berzin spent 29 years in India as to provide access to its wisdom
training under the guidance for the younger generation. Let me After several centuries, Buddha’s
of some of the greatest give some historical background to enlightening words were put down
Tibetan masters of our times. demonstrate that adapting to the in writing to safeguard them for
There he served as occasional times accords with the Buddhist the future. The written word now
interpreter for H.H. the 14th tradition. became an additional medium
Dalai Lama and His tutors. for learning and studying the
He is the founder and author Shakyamuni Buddha was a Buddha’s teachings. Over time,
of the Berzin Archives and masterful teacher. According to language evolved and different
the scriptures, what made him so languages became more popular.
effective was his omniscient mind, This posed no obstacle for
his enlightening speech and his Buddha’s enlightening speech to be
skill in methods for leading others understood by its audience. After
to liberation and enlightenment. all, Buddha taught that cause and
This means he knew fully all the effect do not operate in a vacuum;
methods that would be the most they are affected by conditions
effective to transmit his teachings to and circumstances. Because of
each being as the conditions of the that fact of dependent arising,