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           continued to add to it transcripts   mobile-first design, we renamed   clips of a wide variety of Buddhist
           and audio and video recordings of   the website   teachers, both Tibetan and Western
           my further lectures.              so that newcomers and Google      from all four Tibetan traditions,
                                             would identify more easily what it   answering the most frequently
           By 2015, the website had grown to   is. We launched the upgrade of our   asked questions posed on Google.
           over 1200 written English items,   website in May 2016. Automatically   For the sustainable future of
           with many of them translated      adjusting in size to show properly   Buddhism, it is vital that teachers
           into 20 other European and Asian   on all digital devices, from the   join efforts in projects such as our
           languages, including six from the   most expensive smartphone       online interviews, to foster a non-
           Islamic world. It was reaching    to the cheapest mobile, people    sectarian face of Buddhism and
           over 5000 users each day. But     everywhere can now access the site   attract a wide audience.
           modern educational trends had     any time, any place. This is very
           been changing rapidly over those   important because more than half   In addition, we have prepared our
           previous ten years and it was time   of Internet usage is now through   first online course of four three-
           for an upgrade.                   mobile phones, and this percentage   minute videos, “An Introduction
                                             is increasing ever faster.        to Buddhism,” as a pilot project
           Heeding His Holiness the Dalai                                      for developing a modern online
           Lama’s call for 21st-century      Making a modern website           educational program. As a further
           Buddhism with an emphasis on      accessible on all devices, however,   pilot project, we have also produced
           study, we accepted the challenge.   is not enough. People need to find   our first animated video, “How to
           Although His Holiness advises     the website. This is not easy. There   Gain Peace of Mind.”
           studying the works of the seventeen   are over a billion websites on the
           Nalanda masters, these texts are   Internet, with over 150,000 being   Study buddhism is still in its
           beyond the scope of beginners.    added each day, all competing     developmental stage. We are
           Newcomers to Buddhism need        for people’s time and attention.   still in the process of migrating
           more basic teachings to gain      Therefore, to improve Google      all the language sections from
           access to the Dharma contained in   ranking so potential users can   the old to the new format. Once
           those advanced texts. They need   find us, we have employed the     this is completed, we plan to add
           to be guided step-by-step and, in   latest search engine optimization   discussion forums for debate and
           keeping with the developments     techniques, including making some   other interactive features. We also
           of the Digital Age, this guidance   of our written material media rich   plan to develop a full program of
           needs to be provided first through   with photos, illustrations and audio   online video education courses,
           the Internet, especially for young   and video clips.               in the format of three-minute
           people, and then, when these                                        clips, which will include further
           students are prepared, through    Even if users can find your website,   animation material. Gradually
           personal study with qualified     if the aim of the website is to   we will make all these resources
           teachers. Our task at Berzin      educate users, it is necessary to   available in the current 21
           Archives was to provide that access   engage your users and encourage   languages of our website, and all
           to the Nalanda tradition for the   them to come back. To meet this   will remain free of charge.
           newcomers of the 21st century, in   need, we have expanded our social
           keeping with Buddha’s emphasis on   media presence on Facebook,     Our hope is that our efforts will
           using skillful means.             prepared new YouTube and Sound    inspire others to follow our
                                             Cloud channels, and launched a    example and develop it further.
           With an easier to navigate interface,   monthly newsletter for our growing   Many Buddhist teachers already
           a more user-friendly information   number of core users. We have    have an online presence and so
           architecture and a more modern,   also started a series of short video   they have the vehicles for making
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