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and because different portions of The 21st century has seen the three-minute video clips, some
Buddha’s teachings were written dawn of the Digital Age. An ever- with live talks and others with
down at different times, some of his increasing percentage of people animation. They have found this to
enlightening words were recorded receive their information in digital be the optimal length and medium
in Pali and some in Sanskrit. form, through the Internet. They for people to learn, digest and
Because of this skillful means, read that information either remember complex material. This is
people could read and understand on computers or, increasingly the reality of the Digital Age.
Buddha’s words in the written more, on cell phones or tablets.
languages of their times. Their knowledge comes not only Let me present the project I have
from websites, but to an ever- been involved with as an example
As Buddha’s teachings were greater extent through social of one way to promote and further
propagated beyond the Indian media. Further, the present trend, the Nalanda tradition in the present
subcontinent to further regions especially among the younger age. Anticipating the needs of the
of Asia, they were translated and generation, is that people prefer 21st century, I founded a German
recorded in even more languages receiving information in video nonprofit organization, Berzin
and scripts. These included a wide form, rather than through Archives, and we published the
variety of Central and East Asian written text. Many even favor first version of its multimedia,
languages, most prominently animation over live presentation educational website, berzinarchives.
Chinese and Tibetan. This and, moreover, their information com, in December 2001. Having
transmission trend has continued needs to be entertaining. This has received a PhD from Harvard
over time, so that presently spawned an even newer medium, University in Far Eastern Languages
Buddha’s teachings are available in called “infotainment,” a hybrid of and Sanskrit and Indian Studies, I
written form in most major modern information and entertainment. had then spent 29 years in India.
languages and scripts. In this way, There, I studied with some of the
the great translators have furthered In the field of higher education, greatest masters of the last century
the enlightening activity of Buddha’s many universities have started from all four traditions of Tibetan
speech to communicate to people in offering interactive Massive Buddhism, including His Holiness
each of their languages. Open Online Courses, the so- the Dalai Lama and his tutors,
called MOOC’s, where students and translated for many of them.
The written language, however, pursue e-learning by watching Over the years, I built up a large
requires a medium for reaching and listening to online classroom archive of translations of Tibetan
its audience. Therefore, in keeping lectures. But, the most popular and Sanskrit texts and transcripts
with conditions of time and place, online educational courses have of teachings I had translated from
Buddha’s words have been written adapted to the modern trend of my teachers. Lecturing on Buddhist
on palm leaves or paper, and kept Internet usage. Due to the fast pace topics around the world, I had also
loose or bound together in books. of social media feeds and people’s built up a large store of transcripts
The texts have been handwritten shortened attention spans, the ideal of my own lectures and writings,
or printed from woodblocks length of educational videos has transmitting further what I had
or moveable type. All these now become three minutes, not been taught. I also had written
developments have been in keeping the ninety minutes of videotaped many books and articles explaining
with the principle of skillful means lectures that only the most devoted these profound and extensive
to better communicate Buddha’s students watch to the end. Adapting teachings. Through the Berzin
enlightening words to those who to this trend, educational channels, Archives website, I made this vast
would learn them. such as Coursera and Lynda, offer treasure of knowledge available
courses through online series of to the world, free of charge, and