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                                             How to Bring

                                             Buddhism to a

                                             New Buddhist?

                                             By Alan Peto

           Alan Peto is a Buddhist layperson
           practicing in the Mahāyāna
           tradition of Humanistic Buddhism
           with Fo Guang Shan (FGS). He
           enjoys explaining Buddhism
           and Buddhist teachings for
           beginners and westerners from
           the layperson perspective using
           social media, articles, videos,
           infographics, books, and a
           podcast.  He is also the author
           of the Daily Buddhist Practice    Benny: Can you tell us how you    by Venerable Master Hsing Yun in
           Guide, Buddhism in 10 Steps, and   became interested in Buddhism,   Taiwan but has temples and groups
                                             and whether you practice within a
           The Buddhism Secrets of Cats.     specific Buddhist tradition?      worldwide.  It is Chinese Buddhism
                                                 where followers practice the path
                                                                               known as Humanistic Buddhism,

                                             Alan: I was fortunate to grow     which means to practice Buddhism
           Having listened to some of his
                                             up in a major city that exposed   and engage in our human world just
           podcasts, Benny Liow took the
                                             me to several different religions,   as the Buddha did and taught us to
           opportunity to ask Alan how       which included many Buddhist      do.
           he first became interested in     traditions.  However, it was
           Buddhism, how he practiced as a   ultimately the diversity of the   What did you find in Buddhism
           lay person, how one could start   Buddhism religion that made me    that made you so passionate
           to study Buddhism and not be      interested in becoming a Buddhist.    about wanting to share it with
           confused with so many different   Even though there are many        many people, especially in the
           traditions, as well as what       traditions, monastics, practices, and   West?
           motivates him to be a Dharma      explanations of the teachings they
           propagator.                       provided not just one single dogma   Buddhism has profound and
                                             or viewpoint, but several, and they   unique teachings on the nature of
                                             all pointed to the same destination.    our world which are not always
                                                                               understandable to Westerners.  In
                                             My current tradition is in the    the West, there are often teachers
                                             Mahāyāna branch of Buddhism       and groups that shape Buddhism
                                             with Fo Guang Shan (FGS) founded   in a way that may not be familiar
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