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           Monthly Full moon chanting and blessings   Briefting on Ariya Vihara Bhikkhunī Sīmā   Ariya Mid Year Retreat at Fraser's Hill
           for a fruitful Building Project at Ariya   consecration and construction to Ariya Sīmā   June 2024
           Vihara Land                       Declaration Committee by Ven. Aggacitta
                                             Mahāthera 7 June 2022

           To illustrate the consequences of   to be a role model and spiritual   other’s practice. Indeed, the best to
           actions related to the Five Precepts,   friend for the children. Children   teach is LIVING BY EXAMPLE.
           ARK program utilizes multimedia   see, children do. The children are
           such as videos. For example, the 5    good imitators, so parent have to be   You advocate that meditation
           precept - to abstain from alcoholic   mindful of what you say and do.   should be taught to young
           drinks or drugs that leads to                                       children. How would you do this as
           intoxication and heedlessness. We   Sometimes, parents forget to    it is not easy for a child to sit still?
           show the children videos of the   be mindful, and a well-taught
           consequences of drunkenness and   child, may in a fleeting moment,   Mind is the forerunner of all
           taking drugs, such as a drunk driver   become the teacher. There was   phenomena. Mind is the chief, mind-
           who caused a terrible accident, and   an interesting incident, where a   made are they, if one speaks and acts
           an intoxicated lady who puts her face   mother used to remind her son to   with impure mind, then suffering
           and head into a toilet bowl, throwing   keep the 4  precept well: not to tell   follows. If one speaks and acts with
           up and feeling sick. The helps the   lie, not to speak divisive speech,   a pure mind, then happiness follows
           children to see the consequences,   not to speak harsh speech and idle   like the shadow that never leaves.
           the causes and effects of intoxication.   talk. One day while driving, with   Dhammapada 1 & 2
           After watching the video, there are   her 7-year-old son sitting beside
           discussions on whether they had   her, a reckless driver, overtaking   Meditation, to children, is
           seen someone who is drunk or took   her car, caused her to nearly hit   perceived as boring. So, we have
           drugs; what drinks should they    another car. She became furious and   to change the narrative, instead
           consume, and why the need to take   started scolding the reckless driver,   of telling them: “we are going to
           healthy drinks and foods for good   whose car was now in front of hers.   meditate,” we say “we are going
           health and comfort.               Her son, looked at her and said,   to develop the POWER of our
                                             “mummy, keep your 4  precept, ah!”   mind.” The method is still the
           What about to the parents? As     The mother was shaken, only by the   same - “cultivation of mindfulness/
           children learn by example, how    reckless driver, but her son’s words,   awareness of breathing.” This
           do you encourage Buddhist         too. Reflecting on her son’s timely   helps to anchor them to stillness,
           parents to set good examples for   advice, she cooled down and said   calmness, happiness, clarity of
           their children to emulate?        to her son, “Sorry son. Thank you   mind and focus. Hence, reframing
                                             for reminding mum. I will be more   meditation as ‘developing the
           Parents who attend the Ariya      mindful the next time.”           power of mind’ is a strategic
           Rainbow Kidz program with their                                     approach to make meditation more
           children, learn the importance of   When parents and children learn and   appealing to children.
           their role as parents – they have   practice together, they support each
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