Page 29 - EH74
P. 29
The Way of Nembutsu
By Rev. Blayne Higa
Rev. Blayne Higa is In the Jōdo Shinshū Hongwanji-ha school, the Tokudo
an ordained priest ceremony is preceded by a ten-day session of intense
in the Shin Buddhist study and practice at our training center in Kyoto.
tradition and holds Prior to this, aspirants often train and study for several
a Master of Divinity years in preparation to enter the program. The Tokudo
from the Institute ceremony is held in the centuries old Founder’s Hall
of Buddhist Studies (Goeidō) at the Nishi Hongwanji temple in Kyoto before
with a focus on the image of Shinran Shōnin (1173-1263), the founder
Shin Buddhism of Shin Buddhism, and is officiated by the Head Abbot
and chaplaincy. He received Tokudo ordination (Gomonshu). The ceremony is held in the evening by
candlelight, just as Shinran himself was ordained.
and Kyoshi certification from the Jōdo Shinshū
Hongwanji-ha, a school of Pure Land Buddhism. Kyoshi certification enables one to become a head
He currently serves as the minister of the Kona priest of a temple. Kyoshi means “teacher” and
Hongwanji Buddhist Temple on the island of signifies those who have deepened and will continue
Hawaii. Benny Liow interviewed Rev Blayne for this to deepen their understanding and appreciation
thoughts on the differences between Shin Buddhist of the Dharma. Kyoshi consists of another ten-day
practices and other Buddhist schools, the worship session of intense study and practice which is often
of Amida Buddha and the role of Nembutsu, and preceded by several years of additional study which
the concept of Karma in his tradition. for me included receiving a Master of Divinity from the
Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkeley, California,
our only seminary outside of Japan.
Benny: You are a Minister of a Shin Buddhist
Temple in Hawaii after receiving Tokudo ordination However, being a non-monastic householder tradition,
and Kyoshi certification from the Jōdo Shinshū Shin Buddhist priests can let their hair grow, eat meat,
Hongwanji-ha in Kyoto, Japan. Is ordination in your and are able to marry and have families. Shinran began
tradition similar to that of a monk in the Theravada this tradition of married priests after leaving the
and Chinese Mahayana tradition? monastery on Mt. Hiei and encountering the Pure Land
teaching of his master Hōnen Shōnin. During the period
Blayne: Ordination in Jōdo Shinshū (True Essence of government persecution of the Pure Land movement,
of Pure Land Buddhist Teaching) refers to the act Shinran and others were defrocked and forced to return
of departing from worldly life and entering the to lay life. This experience further developed the lay-
priesthood similar to other traditions of Buddhism. oriented focus of Shinran’s teaching when he began to
Tokudo ordination consists of receiving tonsure, describe himself as “neither monk nor layman.” This is
the wearing of robes, and taking refuge in the Three why both priests and laypersons in Shin Buddhism are
Treasures. Tokudo is a symbolic crossing over from considered Fellow Travelers (Ondōbō Ondōgyō) along
this shore of birth and death to the other shore of the Nembutsu Path because we all are equally embraced
Nirvana and represents the beginning of a lifelong by Amida Buddha’s compassion.
journey studying, practicing, and sharing the Dharma.