Page 34 - EH74
P. 34


           bad, beauty and ugliness of our   old ways, or from each other, yet   a digital Zen community and the
           complicated planet and lives.     each keeps the central teachings   normal Zen community?
                                             and mission of Buddhism alive. In
           What is more, the old Zen Masters   other words, the Buddhist garden   When we first started our online
           wisely taught that we can know life   consists of varied trees and flowers,   community in 2006, we were, I
           all such ways at once! We cannot   and we enrich each other.        believe, the only such community
           simply be complacent, and there are                                 at the time, and for many years
           real problems in this world. Saying   In the case of Japanese Buddhism,   to come. Now, of course, online
           that “all is complete, nothing lacks”   Soto Zen and, especially, its   practice is much more common.
           does not put food on the table, nor   encounter with the west and   From the start, our Sangha catered
           shoes on our children’s feet! So, Soto   modern times, there have been   to those who could not travel easily
           Zen teaches a way of knowing the   big changes in what it means to be   to a place of practice, sometimes
           world both ways, like seeing out of   Buddhist clergy. I often compare   because of health and disability
           two eyes from different perspectives   this change to the Reformation   restrictions, their location in a town
           which, when both eyes are open    in Europe, in which a celibate,   without a Buddhist group near, or
           together, provides illumination and   Catholic priesthood gave birth   simply because busy parents and
           clarity. Suddenly, there is work to   to the married, more “out of the   hard-working people are not free.
           do, yet nothing to do, at once. One   monastery, in the world” path of   Such folks could come to sit and
           can run the race heading toward   the Protestant minister. One should   practice with us from wherever they
           a distant goal, but also know that   not be seen as “less” or “more” than   are, at any time.
           every step by step of the race is itself   the other but, better, each is its own
           complete, its own arrival. One can   Ordained path, serving the suffering   Now, there are some things we miss
           learn not to fear sickness nor death,   beings of this world. All such good   online:  The experience of being in
           for there is something more to this   paths should be honored, and let all   the same physical room, the warmth
           world beyond surface appearances,   walk their paths side-by-side. The   of presence. This is true. But on the
           yet also take one’s medicine to get   difference between the “minister/  other hand, we found a real power
           better and live longer.           Zen priest” and the ordinary      in being a digital community, and
                                             “householder” is the amount of    some unique strengths to it. For one,
           That is the path I have walked these   calling, training, attention, practice   we tell our members to “drop from
           40 years.                         and dedication brought to one’s   mind all thought of distance, here
                                             calling, like the difference between   vs. there, now vs. then,” and that
           You mentioned that the hard       nurse and patient. To be Buddhist   much separation is a measure made
           border between an ordained        clergy is to place oneself lower,   between their own ears. Mahayana
           priest (like yourself) and a lay   into a role of service, in aid of all   Buddhism emphasizes that the
           person is vanishing in Soto Zen.   other beings.  We “leave home” by   whole universe pours into each grain
           Why is this so? Isn’t this then a   dropping away the anger, greed,   of sand, the entire ocean into every
           departure from early Buddhism     jealousy and other petty divisions   drop, that each place and moment is
           which has a clear distinction     in ignorance from our hearts, even   every other place and moment too.
           between monastics and the         as we remain committed on the     So, people are present and together
           householders?                     Bodhisattva Path to treating the   when we feel present and together.

                                             anger, greed and ignorance which so
           Oh, it is a clear departure, yet not   fills this world.            Also, the average lay Buddhist
           at all. Better, I should say that                                   practitioner, especially in western
           Buddhism has flowered in many     You founded Treeleaf Zendo,       Zen groups, might come to a “brick
           beautiful and rich ways over the   a digital Zen community with     and cement” Zen center for a few
           centuries, sometimes into forms   members in over 50 countries.     hours a week at best, sit Zazen
           which appear quite different from   What is the difference between   silently, have some brief socializing
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