Page 37 - EH74
P. 37
Wisdom of the Buddha
By Venerable Samaneri Jayasāra
Samaneri Jayasāra Benny: How did you first encounter Buddhism, and
has studied what inspired you to continue to study and practice
and practiced till today?
Buddhism and
meditation in Jayasāra: People often have the idea and perception
various capacities that ‘we’ discover or encounter the Dhamma, but more
for over 35 years. likely, those of us who do, have been following the path
for many lifetimes and eventually it catches up with us
She has a PhD and again. It finds us - and something within us comes alive,
Master’s Degree a spark is ignited, a light appears in the mind, and an
in education, focusing on comparative spiritual intuitive knowing reconnects with Truth again.
traditions, Buddhism and psychotherapy. She has
taught at secondary, undergraduate and post- This is how it happened for me when I was around 9 or
graduate levels in psychology and counselling, and 10 years old, when I saw a picture of a Swami – a holy
also worked as a trainer in mental health and crisis man. Although I knew little of what he had to say, and
intervention in the welfare sector. didn’t attend his advertised teachings, the mere image of
a renunciate or mendicant – the colour of the orange robe
and shaved head – triggered something in me, and I knew
Jayasāra initially ordained as an anagarikā that this person was following and speaking of Truth.
(8-precept nun) in the Theravada Forest Tradition
in 2002, living at both Dhammasara monastery At that time, and as it is for many young people,
in Western Australia and at Amāravati and everything in the world appeared kind of false to me,
Cittaviveka monasteries in the UK for 2 years. like a dream, and it seemed that everyone was walking
She re-entered the monastic life as a samaneri around half asleep. I knew deep inside that the Truth
(10-precept nun) in 2018 at Santi Forest was not to be found in this world of schooling, striving
Monastery, where she helped to maintain and for worldly success, competition, materialism, traditional
further develop Santi as a monastery for female expectations of marriage and procreation, and the rest
of it. I actively recoiled from being bound by any of these
things. My inner drive was always seeking the Truth.
In 2021, Jayasāra moved to Viveka Hermitage in In that sense, I don’t consider it really a choice that I made
southern NSW, to allow more focus on a growing to ‘study’ and ‘practice’ the Dhamma. Rather, I experienced
online Dhamma project she had initiated, as well it as an inner propulsion, a longing, an imperative. This
as to cultivate a more hermetic style of practice. feels very karmic, rather than some idea that ‘I’ as an
Benny Liow was able to discuss with Venerable independent agent am making these choices. If we have a
Jayasāra about how she first became interested deep, sincere, and genuine connection to Dhamma practice
in Buddhism, her thoughts on similarities among from the past, it will eventually find us again.
the world’s faiths, the different forms of Buddhist You have studied comparative spiritual traditions.
practices today, and whether there is an ideal What significant similarities do you find in all these
Buddhist practice. different spiritual traditions?