Page 10 - EH 73 May 2024
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freedom. He once conducted an experiment during Receiving and observing the precepts is also about
a meditation session where he let the first group of cultivating good habits. In terms of self-cultivation, these
students freely choose their seating positions during the are referred to as the familiarization of wholesome
first incense-burning, while the second group had pre- habits and involve consistently doing virtuous deeds.
assigned positions during the second incense-burning. Our lives are filled with wholesome or unwholesome
The students’ feedback showed that sitting in the habits and deeds which accumulated over time.
assigned seats was more convenient and time-saving. Therefore, the reception and observance of precepts can
This indicates that people prefer to sacrifice some help people subliminally develop conditioned responses
degree of freedom to ensure smooth progress in their within the norm, enabling them to spend the majority of
tasks or work. Therefore, 2,600 years ago, the Buddha their time walking the Middle Path.
established precepts to reduce people’s troubles and
afflictions, stabilize their bodies and minds, and develop The concept of the Middle Path was simplified by the
their wisdom. Hence, precepts can also be seen as a Buddha as “siksapada” (meaning “precept” or “Xue Chu”
supportive condition for self-cultivation. in Chinese). This means that the upholder of precepts
must learn in different places, which results in the
“Sila” (in Sanskrit) refers to the precepts that Buddhists natural formation of ethical habits. In most cases, one’s
observe, which are a set of guidelines observed speech and conduct will naturally align with the Middle
by the Seven Classes of Disciples, also known as Path. Therefore, the meaning of upholding the precepts
“pratikmosa.” The word “sila” has the connotation of is to practice the Middle Path by way of contemplating
behavior, habit, personality, ethics, and devotion. The on dependent origination, which ultimately leads to the
term is also referred to as “siksapada,” “sila-vrata,” development of the Noble Eightfold Path.
“samvara,” and “irya-patha.”
In the Noble Eightfold Path, Right Speech, Right
If one can appreciate the fact that the spirit of precepts Conduct, Right Livelihood, as well as Right Effort are all
stems from the intention to protect lives and show related to precepts. Through diligent efforts, one can
compassion to all sentient beings, one is able to use the refrain from committing evil deeds and wrongdoings.
method of the “Golden Rule Theorem” to empathize One will not be bound by desires and greed and can
with others—that is, to be unwilling to see others suffer thus follow ethical standards even in the face of one’s
and thus willing to restrain oneself. This means that we own natural inclinations. This requires diligent efforts
have learned a bit about “non-self” and have a slight and knowledge; otherwise, one is merely attached to
taste of it. This is training towards achieving the goal of precepts and rituals, influenced by worldly taboos yet
“non-self.” lacking in the Right View.
To Observe Precepts, One Needs to Have Right View Using the Psychology of Habit to Create the Right
and Follow the Middle Path Conditions for Keeping the Precepts