Page 7 - EH 73 May 2024
P. 7


           ghosts, animals, human beings,    but because you, as a parent, have   happy by thinking: How wonderful
           asuras, suras and intermediate state   a particular karmic connection   that my life can be beneficial for
           beings. If you do these activities for   with and are responsible for the   even one sentient being.
           every single sentient being including   specific sentient beings that are
           every single insect, it goes without   your children, you should always   How wonderful that I can take care
           saying that you also do them for your   pay special attention to the fact that   of even one sentient being.
           own children. If you think in this way,   your children are included among   How wonderful that my limbs can
           you will have the same motivation to   those sentient beings.       be useful for looking after and
           care for your children as you would                                 bringing happiness to even one
           any sentient being.               By thinking in this way, you will   sentient being.
                                             have a totally different attitude
           Because your children are sentient   toward your children; there will   Especially when you encounter
           beings, you have received every   not be the slightest negative     difficulties—when your children do
           happiness experienced throughout   thought caused by the eight worldly   not listen to you, when you cannot
           beginningless lives from them.    concerns,  and instead you will   control them and when you feel
           You also receive all your present   take care of them motivated by the   disappointed with them—it is good
           happiness from them and you       positive thought of cherishing a   to rejoice in these ways. If you can
           receive all the happiness of future   sentient being.               do this, there will be no difficulties
           lives from them (not just the                                       in your heart. With a sincere wish
           happiness of one future life but   On the other hand, if you allow   to help your children, you won’t
           the happiness of all future lives).   yourself to come under the    have that annoyed and exhausted
           In addition, you receive liberation   influence of the eight worldly   mind that wishes to give them up.
           from samsara from them and you    concerns, when your children do   Motivated by bodhicitta, you will
           also receive the realizations of the   something to please you, something   be able to rejoice in having the
           entire path up to enlightenment   that you like, you will happily take   opportunity to help them.
           from them. By understanding and   care of them. However, when they
           recognizing this, you will see that   do something that is contrary to   Likewise, the motivation for doing
           your children are the most precious   your wishes, something that upsets   a job that involves taking care
           and kindest people in your life.  you or makes you angry, you may   of other people’s children or the
                                             even be tempted to give them      elderly should be exactly the same
           So when you begin a practice with   up entirely. This change in your   as the one you have for looking after
           the motivation of bodhicitta, the   attitude towards them happens   your own child. The thought, “This
           thought to achieve enlightenment   because you are attached to your   person is the most precious and the
           for all sentient beings, recall that   own happiness and want to avoid   most kind,” is the best attitude to
           your child is one of those sentient   suffering and problems.       have when you are doing this kind
           beings and do the practice with                                     of work.
           that awareness. Similarly, when   With bodhicitta, you feel that your
           you conclude a practice with the   children are the most precious and   With the motivation of bodhicitta,
           dedication to achieve enlightenment   the kindest beings in your life. If   every hardship that you undergo and
           for the sake of all sentient beings,   you have this attitude, you will take   every single service that you do for
           remember that your child is one of   care of them with a healthy positive   others will purify negative karma
           those sentient beings.            mind rather than with a negative   collected throughout beginningless
                                             emotional mind and the pain of    lives. Your job will also become a
           Of course, all other sentient beings   attachment.                  means for you to collect extensive
           are exactly the same as your                                        merit and a chance to practise all
           children in being precious and kind,   As a parent, you can make yourself   six perfections or paramitas: giving,
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