Page 4 - EH 73 May 2024
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           CONTENTS MAY 2024

             04                       18                        27                       34

                                                                           Did the Buddha only teach
                04      LEAD ARTICLE                               21
                        Joyful Parents, Successful                         Mindfulness?
                        Children                                           By Venerable Ajahn Punnadhammo
                        By Venerable Lama Zopa Rinpoche
                                                                           Finding My True Home
                07      TEACHINGS                                          By Ven. Kai Lv
                        The Importance of Precepts in
                        our Lives                                  27      Celebrating Life and Death
                        By Venerable Master Sheng Yen                      By Dr Diana Cousens

                10      A Rough Guide to Eating                    31      Buddhism and Divination
                        Meditation – For Beginning                         By Dr Edoardo Siani
                        and Advanced Meditators
                        By Venerable Sayadaw U Tejaniya            34      Future of Korean Buddhism
                                                                           By Dr Lucy hyekyung Jee
                12      The Buddhist Definition of
                        Mindfulness                                39      Caring for the World
                        By Sandra Pawulay                                  By Ven Dr Nathan Jishin Michon

                14      FACE TO FACE                               43      Love & Compassion without
                        A Non-Sectarian Bodhi Heart                        Attachments
                        By Leonard Luar                                    By Venerable Bhikshuni Chân Trai

                18      How to Promote Buddhism in
                        the Modern World?                          47      The Practice of Universal
                        By Ven Dr G Chandima
                                                                           By Venerable Prof. Geshe Thupten Phelgye
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