Page 8 - EH 73 May 2024
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           morality, patience, perseverance,   strong compassion enabled him to   and enlightenment from those
           concentration and wisdom.         collect much more extensive merit   people. Similarly, even if you just
                                             and purify far greater negative   look after a pet with this motivation,
           To practice the perfection of     karma accumulated in the past.    you will receive enlightenment
           wisdom, for example, you can think   For example, when in one life as   quickly from that sentient being.
           that you, the care-giver, the action   brothers, they encountered a family
           of taking care of the other person   of five tigers dying of starvation,   These teachings were compiled
           and the person you are taking care   Maitreya Buddha did not offer   and edited by Ven. Joan Nicell, and
           of are all empty of true existence   his body to them whereas Guru   published in 2015 by Amitabha
           and merely labelled by the mind.   Shakyamuni Buddha did.           Buddhist Centre, Singapore. Now
           Motivated by bodhicitta, everything                                 available as a free audiobook.
           you do to take care of someone else   In the same way, if you are able
           becomes a cause of enlightenment   to generate strong compassion    NOTES
           and a quick path to enlightenment.  for your children, and instead of   1  Wishing to experience happiness
                                             being driven by attachment to     and to avoid suffering; to gain
           In a Buddhist text, it is mentioned   them, you use them to practice   material things and to avoid losing
           that even though Maitreya Buddha   Dharma, your children will give you   them; to be praised and to avoid
           generated compassion and          enlightenment.                    criticism; to have a good reputation
           bodhicitta much earlier than did                                    and to avoid a bad one.
           Guru Shakyamuni Buddha, Guru      Also, if motivated by compassion,
           Shakyamuni Buddha achieved        you do a job that entails taking care   Source:   EH
           enlightenment first because his   of other people’s children or the
           compassion was much stronger. His   elderly, you will receive realizations

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