Page 3 - EH 73 May 2024
P. 3


           In Memory of Geshe Dadul Namgyal @

           Tenzin Chodrak (July 1, 1959-Jan 3, 2024)

           I first met Venerable Geshe Dadul Namgyal when I   He was a philosophy professor at Central Institute of
           invited him to speak at the World Buddhist Conference   Higher Tibetan Studies at Sarnath, Varanasi, India for
           at the Istana Hotel in Kuala Lumpur in November    seven years, served as the Spiritual Director of LSLK
           2012. The theme of our conference was “Transcending   Tibetan Buddhist Center, Knoxville, Senior Resident
           Negative Emotions -- To Create Happiness and       Teacher at Drepung Loseling Monastery, Atlanta, and
           Wellbeing in Our Lives”, and Geshe-la spoke eloquently   senior teacher at Sravasti Abbey, Washington.
           on this topic. My first impression of him was someone
           humble, sincere, and kind, and after a few conversations   Geshe-la had also served as Senior Translator/
           realized he was a fountainhead of knowledge and    Interpreter with the Center for Contemplative Science
           wisdom. I subsequently visited Geshe-la on August   and Compassion-based Ethics at Emory University,
           24, 2013 at Drepung Loseling Monastery in Atlanta,   Atlanta, where he helped produced a science curriculum
           USA, where he later invited me for lunch at a Penang   for use in Tibetan monasteries and nunneries.
           food restaurant. Geshe-la also agreed to be a regular
                                                              Due to his expertise in both Tibetan and English,
           columnist for Eastern Horizon under our Forum
                                                              Geshe-la had also served as an English translator for
           section where he contributed answers to questions on
                                                              HH The Dalai Lama throughout the world. He also
           Buddhism from the Tibetan (Vajrayāna) perspective
                                                              translated HH The Dalai Lama’s Power of Compassion,
           while Ven Aggacitta would respond from the Theravada
                                                              and Tsongkhapa’s Speech of Gold. He had also served as
           perspective, and Ven Min Wei from the Mahāyāna
                                                              a Board Member for Tibet House, New York.
           perspective.  But in early 2023, Geshe-la wrote to
           me apologizing that due to poor health he would
                                                              Geshe-la has been a good friend of our journal. On
           not be able to continue writing for Eastern Horizon.
                                                              behalf of Eastern Horizon, let us all continue to dedicate
           While I was deeply saddened by his letter, I was more
                                                              merits on his behalf, and make prayers and dedications
           concerned for his health and wished him a good rest
                                                              for Geshe-la to be born in a pure land or take a precious
           and speedy recovery.
                                                              human rebirth, to once again impart the sublime
                                                              Buddha Dharma for the well-being and benefit of all
           Geshe-la was a prominent scholar in Tibetan Buddhism.
                                                              sentient beings. EH
           He earned a doctorate (Geshe Lharampa) in Buddhism
           and Philosophy from the Drepung Monastic University
                                                              Benny Liow
           in 1992, and a M.A. in English Literature from Punjab
                                                              May 1, 2024
           University in Chandigarh, India.
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