Page 9 - EH 73 May 2024
P. 9


           The Importance of

           Precepts in our Lives

           A Dharma Drum Mountain Article

           By Venerable Master Sheng Yen

                                                              Observing the precepts serves as the code of conduct for
                                                              Buddhists. They allow us to curb our desires as well as
                                                              purify the body and mind, thereby allowing us to reduce
                                                              afflictions and move closer toward achieving liberation.
                                                              The COVID pandemic has been plaguing the world in
                                                              recent years. People wore surgical masks, washed their
                                                              hands religiously, practiced social distancing, and halted
                                                              many unnecessary social events. Many organizations
                                                              even canceled major events to prevent cluster infections.
                                                              Even though the pandemic has caused us many
                                                              inconveniences and limitations in daily life, self-discipline
           Venerable Master Sheng Yen (1931-2009), founder of   has allowed people to safeguard both themselves and
           Dharma Drum Mountain, dedicated decades of his     the general public. Through the practices of moderation,
           life to spreading the Buddhadharma globally and    cultivation in virtuous Dharma, and protecting oneself
           guiding Chan practice, sharing Buddhist compassion   and others through self-cultivation, Buddhist precepts
           and wisdom with people around the world. His idea   allow us to achieve liberation and attain Buddhahood.
           of Protecting the Spiritual Environment has been
           widely valued and recognized internationally.      Protection Through Self-Restraint
                                                              At first glance, “self-restraint” often gives people a sense
           Based on the Master’s infinite compassionate vows,   of being constrained or having no freedom. It can even
           Dharma Drum Mountain’s branch monasteries          foster a mentality of resistance, similar to how precepts
           and practice centers worldwide have been           may come across as cumbersome, conservative, and
           promoting Three-fold Education and Four Kinds      outdated—that, is out of touch with human emotions.
           of Environmentalism, endeavoring to help purify    However, just as traffic lights can be seen either as a
                                                              form of constraint or protection, the inability to drive
           human minds and society, in hopes of sowing the    through without obstruction may seem restrictive.
           seeds of world peace through joint efforts to realize   However, this rule actually helps to ensure smooth
           the goal of “building a pure land on earth.”       traffic flow and prevent accidents, thereby serving as a

                                                              form of protection.
           Observing the Precepts Allows One to Feel at Ease

           The scientific study of habits has recently become   “People are usually rather ambivalent. Although they
           a prominent study area, as good habits can make a   desire freedom, they would rather have less trouble
           significant difference in one’s life. The Buddha had   than more freedom.” Venerable Master Chang Kuan, the
           already established the precepts, which serve as   Vice Dean of the Dharma Drum Sangha University, found
           beneficial habits to help people in their self-cultivation.   that people have an excessive imagination regarding
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