Page 26 - EH 73 May 2024
P. 26


                                             Ven. Kai Lv and other Sangha members   Farewell tea party for Ven. Kai Lv at Plum
                                             represented Plum Village to introduce   Village in 2017.
                                             mindfulness meditation at Salesforce’s annual
                                             conference, Dreamforce 2017 in San Francisco.

            Finding My True Home

            By Ven. Kai Lv

           Venerable Kai Lv (開律法             Zhi Yi: What inspired you to      the Malaysian Buddhist Institute, I
           師), or Thầy Kai Ly as he was    become a monk, and how has this   went on to study and spend 6 years
           affectionately called at Plum     path unfolded for you?            at Fu Yan Buddhist Institute (福嚴
           Village, originally comes from                                      佛學院) from 1993 to 1999, where
           Tuaran, Sabah. In 1989, he was    Kai: When I was 18 years old, I   I met Ven. Yin Shun (印順導師) and
           ordained by Venerable Boon        started to think about the meaning   Ven. Zhen Hua (真華長老).
           Keng (文建長老), abbot of Ang         of life. I thought the cycle of study-
           Hock See Temple in Penang. After   work-family-death was not the    My second stage of monkhood was
                                             answer. I came across the Dharma   about meditation. After 10 years of
           graduating from the Malaysian
                                             and some teachers. In the 1980s,   learning in Buddhist Institutes, I still
           Buddhist Institute, he furthered
                                             young monks and nuns are rare     felt lacking. Although I had mastered
           his studies at Fu Yan Buddhist
                                             to come by, especially those with   the theories in Buddhism, I could not
           Institute, Taiwan. He has learnt
                                             right view. It was under this context   effectively apply them in my life, and I
           meditation from several teachers,   that I decided to become a monk,   did not experience the benefits of the
           including Ven. Pa-Auk Sayadaw,    with the mission of protecting and   Dharma. Therefore, I began searching
           Sayadaw U Tejaniya and Thich      promoting the Dharma.             for meditation teachers. I have learnt
           Nhat Hanh. Zhi Yi of Eastern                                        from 5 important teachers: Pa-
           Horizon interacted with Ven. Kai   There are 3 key stages of my life   Auk Sayadaw, Sayadaw U Tejaniya,
           Lv virtually on 14th December     as a monk. The first stage involved   Sayadaw U Janaka, Zen Master Seung
           2023, where he shared about his   learning. I was ordained as a     Sahn’s disciple Mu Shim Sunim and
           journey as a monk, his time spent   sāmaṇera on 22  June 1989 at Ang   Thich Nhat Hanh. Each of these
           with the late Zen Master Thich    Hock See Temple, where I lived and   teachers have their unique style and I
           Nhat Hanh at Plum Village, and    studied at the Malaysian Buddhist   have learnt a lot from them.
           how he has navigated through the   Institute for 4 years. Later, I was fully   The third stage, which is the stage I
                                             ordained as a bhikkhu at Miao Fa   am in now, involves sharing what I
           challenges he faced in his practice.
                                             Temple (妙法禪寺) in Taiwan on 17     have learnt.
                                             March 1993. After graduating from
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