Page 27 - EH 73 May 2024
P. 27


           Ven. Kai Lv teaches in Ireland every year.   In March 2019, Ven. Kai Lv addressed   Ven. Kai Lv led an outdoor meditation session
           The picture depicts him leading a one-day   teenage students from Klang Coast Buddhist   in Ireland as part of a two-day meditation
           meditation retreat in October 2023.    Association at Buddha Sasana Foundation   retreat in 2019.
                                             retreat centre.

           As you have learnt meditation     High School, which I attended. I   learn from them. I was impressed
           from multiple teachers, and the   got a bad first impression when   and intrigued by Thich Nhat Hanh’s
           teachings come in many flavors,   his students took out violin      talk, but I was not sure whether he
           how do you integrate these        and guitar, but they began the    practiced what he preached. Thus, I
           seemingly different approaches?   Namo’valokiteshvaraya chant using   decided to spend some time at Plum
                                             the musical instruments, then only   Village, France, to observe him.
           There is a saying in Malaysia that   I realized that music was their   About 3 months later, I concluded
           says “Campurlah, lebih enak!”,    skilful means to deliver teachings   that he was a great teacher and he
           which means “let’s mix (the food)   to the audience in the most     practiced what he taught, so I was
           together, it will be more delicious!”   effective manner.           determined to learn from him.
           Every sentient being has different
           capacities and we all enter the path   It was my first time hearing about   I spent 8 years at Plum Village, and
           differently. The Buddha is very   the teaching of mindfulness from a   I was very lucky to have studied and
           intelligent and adaptable to his   Mahāyāna monk, and his teaching   learnt very closely from Thầy during
           audience, which is why there are   was practical, in which mindfulness   my first 4 years there between
           84,000 gates in Buddhism. I learnt   can easily be applied in our   2010 to 2014. I stayed on to live and
           from each teacher and absorbed    daily lives. He also emphasized   learn together with the Plum Village
           their essence of teaching, which   on collective mindfulness and    Sangha for the next 4 years.
           gives me many tools under my belt,   collective awakening, which
           and this allows me to use the most   demonstrated his compassion    Every spiritual journey comes
           suitable one according to each    towards other sentient beings.    with challenges. Can you share
           sentient being’s need.                                              any personal challenges you’ve
                                             Some years ago when I was in India,   faced in your practice and how
           Can you share a bit about your    I met the 17  Karmapa without     did you navigate them?
           personal journey in embracing the   any prior arrangement; I think he
           Plum Village tradition?           was only 19 years old. I remember   I spent 3 years at Pa-Auk Forest

                                             asking him to recommend some      Monastery in Mawlamyine, Burma
           In September 2010, Thich Nhat     good Vajrayāna teachers, and      to learn meditation from Ven.
           Hanh and the Plum Village Sangha   he adviced me to search online.   Pa-Auk Sayadaw. I practiced very
           came to Malaysia to conduct a     He made a very important point    hard, and I had Dharma interview
           mindfulness retreat in Negeri     though: if you find a teacher who   with Sayadaw every day. However,
           Sembilan. He then went north to   practices what he preaches, then he   I did not see any progress in my
           Penang to give a talk at Phor Tay   or she is a good teacher, and you can   cultivation, and I was extremely
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